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What a difference a day makes......


By Milky

What a difference a day makes......

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Pee-Boo , we can see you :o)
the flowers are lovely .. I need your help please Maureen I took your advice on how to look after my Lemon tree grown from a pip , it's come through the winter very well , It took up residence in the hall , I have been putting it outside in the front porch these sunny days where it gets the full sun is that alright ? I will put a photo of it on for you to see if I have time tomorrow , do I need to start feeding it differently in the summer, and how often would you water it now ? thanks :o)

21 Apr, 2011


Amy Hi...yes you are doing the right thing putting out in full sun...and yes there is a difference from winter citrus feed to summer citrus feed....and they do need feeding every week. I have had mine out in the sun now this week and just been watering it every day, as we have the sun all afternoon and evening baking it up here. I think its just a case of making sure it doesnt dry out....I think it will probably be fine outside now as long as yopu keep your eye on the weather in case of a drastic drop in temperature...especially at night...."Cast ner a clout" and all that I will look out for your pic....

21 Apr, 2011


Thanks for your help Maureen ,I will have to go and get some summer citrus feed , I have been bringing it in at night because I wasn't sure about the contrast between the hot sun and the colder nights , how long is it before I can expect to have a LEMON :O))

21 Apr, 2011


That is just gorgeous, Maureen. Love the flowers!

22 Apr, 2011


I put a pic. on this morning Maureen , do you nip the top out or anything to make it spread out ?

22 Apr, 2011


Thanks all Amy.....I will look at your pic.......

22 Apr, 2011


What a beautiful plant! Love those flowers!

29 Apr, 2011


Thanks Andy...

29 Apr, 2011


Good pic with the face at the

10 May, 2011


Thanks TT...

11 May, 2011

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