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Markhamia lutea- Markhamia, Nile Tulip Tree and 2 Large Caryota urens - Fishtail Palms

Markhamia lutea- Markhamia, Nile Tulip Tree and 2 Large Caryota urens - Fishtail Palms (Markhamia lutea- Markhamia, Nile Tulip Tree, Caryota urens - Fishtail Palms)

While waiting for my car to be fixed...I walked the neighborhood in blistering almost 100ºF/38ºC. heat to take some pics. Photo taken on May 3, 2011 in North Park, San Diego, CA.

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Pictures by Delonix1
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This photo is of species Markhamia lutea- Markhamia, Nile Tulip Tree, Caryota urens - Fishtail Palms.