Cytisus Praecox 'Allgold'
By Karensusan63

6 May, 2011
A lovely perfumed Cytisus.
Comments on this photo
Sun in the morning, shade all afternoon and sun again in the I think sticki!
6 May, 2011
thank you
6 May, 2011
Label said sun or semi shade.
6 May, 2011
I bought this today Karen :))))
14 Apr, 2012
It's nice paul. I have two of them. Not quite in flower yet, but have made it through the winter ok. :)
14 Apr, 2012
That's great Karen :))) Always liked Brooms - have a red one also which has stood through the -17 winter :))))))))))))
14 Apr, 2012
Yes, the red one is lovely. I saw it the other day in GC and I was really good at resisting it! :)) You would really love the Cytisus Racemosus (Evergreen Canary Broom). It has a beautiful lemony scent and has been flowering sporadically all winter. Just now it is in full bloom. You just need a warm sheltered spot for it and a bit of space, as it grows in a very 'spreading out in all directions' way...only to about 1m according to the label though. Mine is that size now, so I'm hoping it won't get much bigger!
15 Apr, 2012
we have hairy canary stated as a broom Karen - is this it ??
15 Apr, 2012
No, I think that is Genista Hispanica?
15 Apr, 2012
it looks lovely Karen - nice with the ole blue fence I am thinking :))))))))
15 Apr, 2012
It would be ay-may-zing!
15 Apr, 2012
;))) I am after one last beauty with Bday money - see what GC has to offer :)))))))))
15 Apr, 2012
If you can't get it, I will try to take some cuttings. :)
15 Apr, 2012
Thank you Karen - I may end up with a holly or something or pyracantha - love those :)))))))))))))
15 Apr, 2012
OK! :))
16 Apr, 2012
:))))))))))))))))))) bought a Taxus Baccata and Red baron Karen :)))
16 Apr, 2012
well I know taxus, but what is a Red Baron? the mind boggles! :))))
16 Apr, 2012
A pearl of a grass - really rich red colours at the top that glows in the sunlight with a lime green bottom half :)))
16 Apr, 2012
Gorgeous! it going to get warmer sooooooon? Pleeeeeeeeeeeease? I am freezing up here, and none of my plants are growing!!
16 Apr, 2012
Yes freezing here too - quick answer - no :((( although not as cold - weather remaining really the same for a long painful time
16 Apr, 2012
Will do forecast Wed :))))))))))))))))
16 Apr, 2012
Blimey....sigh....well, at least your an honest lad! :)))))
16 Apr, 2012
:D Maps appear to be going as thought - looks like yet more windy weather by 24th - then cold northerly to follow - up to now anyway :((((((((((
16 Apr, 2012
Never mind.....things can only get better!!
16 Apr, 2012
hopefully :)))
16 Apr, 2012
Oh, I know, as soon as I typed that I thought ..."they might not" It might stay like this for EVER :((((( ;) It won't :)))
16 Apr, 2012
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Featured on: flowering shrubs
This photo is of species Cytisus praecox 'Allgold'.
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This photo is of "Broom" in Karensusan63's garden
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looks good ~ nice to hear it is perfumed; lovely shape.
is this one in the sun or shade?
6 May, 2011