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"The Empress Of Prussia" Braving it outside!

"The Empress Of Prussia"    Braving it outside!

This was a cutting from my Goy friend Bloomer last year and it has really taken off now, it has been in the conservatory all winter but it is a little to warm for in there now, so its now in its new home in the garden. Seems to be quite happy despite the chilly winds last week.

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Its doing well.

7 May, 2011


It will be fine outside,Carole..I have planted mine out..but yours is bigger than mine !!Lol. I have only lost one over the winter,and the others are growing well again..:o)

7 May, 2011


It is looking good Carole..and bigger than mine ! ..Lol.

7 May, 2011


Thanks Sandra and Carol, It has done well hasn't it, perhaphs we get a little warmer weather this side of the pennines Sandra ;0)

7 May, 2011


Don't know why I commented twice..senior moment..!.Warmer over your way ? never ! you just spoilt it,Carole..Lol.

7 May, 2011


Have you an inferiority complex Sandra harping on that mine is bigger than yours lol

7 May, 2011

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