David Austin rose 'Mary Rose'
By Simbad

7 May, 2011
Comments on this photo
Yes Dawn it is one of David Austins lovely shrub roses, lovely scent too, another for the wish list? lol.
7 May, 2011
Lol Kathy, you know me too well, I just want everything you have. You should see how many young plants I've grown from your seed that need planting out. The Rud. Green Wizard are doing well this year, flowers showing :-)
7 May, 2011
love it
7 May, 2011
Glad you could make use of them Dawn, know what you mean about seedlings think I've got through 7 bags of compost already this year, got a few new seedlings on the go this year, a white form of salvia sclarea, heliopsis sunburst variegated unusual coloured leaves,nicotiana langsdorffii and old favourites salvia patens, alonsoa meridionalis,ornamental corn(just starting to show its colouring), its this year I'm so glad I collect seed as lost quite a few things.
The clematis are romping away now thankyou:-) offered a couple on a swapshop and swapped for a mouse plant remember seeing one on here a while ago, unusual little plant for moist shade.
Yes I love the green wizard very nice, trouble is its one of the rabbits favourites do have a clump up near the house that they leave alone though.
Thanks Paul :-)
8 May, 2011
Gorgeous. Mine are only tiny buds right now!
8 May, 2011
What a gorgeous Rose, Mary is truly beautiful!
Talk about seeds I have quite a few little Salvia plants, from the seeds you sent me, they are coming along very nicely now;0)
8 May, 2011
Gorgeous Kathy , I love these old fashioned type !
8 May, 2011
Kathy, I'm getting a bit of a seed growing obsession. I pot on and lose labels and as I'm not familar with the young plants, I dont know what they are lol. Might have to post pics and ask you and Amy.
Glad your seeds are doing well, its good to share and like u say, very beneficial to collect seed just in case the parent plant dies. You have set some nice ones. Amy kindly sent me some of your ornamental corn seeds, they are doing well, very colourful.
Set Plant Worlds collection of Land of the Giants, lol. Had some of the seeds already from you but still cheaper to buy the collection.
8 May, 2011
Thanks girls, I love these sort too Amy and have to have a scent, glad the seeds are doing well Carole I've bought another of those salvia sclarea this year, a white one this time with lime green bracts just love them.
Know the feeling Dawn,lol, ooo saw the Land of the Giants seeds look forward to seeing piccies:-), yes that corn is lovely love it as it gets bigger gets more and more colourful, just had to repot mine as don't want to plant out yet after the frost last week.
10 May, 2011
Hi Kathy, the Land of the Giants are set and are in the coldframes. I emailed Plant Word Seeds as I werent sure about when to set, they said they can be set now as they've had them in a cold room but some may not germinate until next Spring, so I'll leave them in the 2 coldframes and see what happens. I've been planting out Kathy, darent leave them any longer, keep looking at the BBC weather outlook and fingers crossed we will be OK, but then again, you never know. So many young plants of yours and Amy's :-))) Might need some plant ID's though as I've got them all mixed up as ever.
11 May, 2011
A fantastic rose.....
16 May, 2011
Thanks DD, do you have it too?
17 May, 2011
Not this one .......
18 May, 2011
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This photo is of species Rose.
This photo is of "Rose 'Mary Rose'" in Simbad's garden
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Gorgeous, looks too beautiful to be real :-)
Is this one a rose bush?
7 May, 2011