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The rain has made things come on so quickly - love my lupins

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Lovely Olive

10 May, 2011


Acer is looking good too!

10 May, 2011


It does, it gets a little sunshine first thing in the morning and then not a lot later in the afternoon, will that suit it ok please?

10 May, 2011


Well, you'll need to watch out that the Easterlies don't get to it if it gets sun am. I think they are a bit like Camellia, don't care for the morning sun, especially if the leaves are wet.....scorches em.

10 May, 2011


We are fairly well sheltered from easterly winds, because of the wood, so hopefully it should be ok there.

11 May, 2011


SHould be!

11 May, 2011



11 May, 2011


So do I Olive but the slugs and snails do too.

12 May, 2011


Oh no! Beer traps for them, they like beer.

12 May, 2011


Love the Lupins...I have a neighbour whose rows of Lupins I pass everytime I walk down that way, I feel dejected with my little two still struggling to find a comfy home in the garden...

20 May, 2011


I really like lupins just wish they lasted longer, I do chop off the flowers as they die back and have had a repeat flower from them though. They look lovely in blocks don't they.

20 May, 2011


They sure do, I wish I could get a flower, I will just keep looking for a good spot..

22 May, 2011

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