Heuchera Sweet Tea
By Drc726

12 May, 2011
Comments on this photo
Amazing - that is so nice :):):):)
13 May, 2011
That is pretty..I am just getting into these plants..thanks to GoY...:o)
13 May, 2011
They are addictive Bloomer I started with 4 last year and now have ten.
13 May, 2011
I love heucheras, so many fun colours!
13 May, 2011
This is so pretty love the colour.
13 May, 2011
14 May, 2011
This is soo beautiful. Its my favourite of all of them. Mine is doing well too. This looks a cracker!
17 May, 2011
Thanks Tetrach I am finding the pale lemon ones are not so good such as Heuchera electric lime
17 May, 2011
I dont know what plants feel, but I have two Ginger Ale, barely 3 ft from each other, one is doing great, the other is shrinking. So Ive up the shrinker and put it elsewhere..we will see what happens...
17 May, 2011
Perhaps I should move mine to.
17 May, 2011
Ive just had a peek out of the window at the shrinker..its early days, but it does look a lot better!
18 May, 2011
18 May, 2011
i have that one /or two lol ............... love it , same as you huked or is it hukerred on them haha
22 May, 2011
Lol I have got to stop collecting them its got to ten now
22 May, 2011
ermmmmmmmmmmmm thingk i got bt 30 lol have to count them , i split a few last year ............
23 May, 2011
i've just been given a Heuchera that might be this one. Hope it is, lovely olour!
22 Sep, 2014
Lovely colour this one Fran
22 Sep, 2014
lol bet this one wins prizes, it ought to
22 Sep, 2014
Pictures by drc726
812 of 1773
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This photo is of species Heucherella.
This photo is of "Heucherella Sweet Tea" in Drc726's garden
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lovely colour!
12 May, 2011