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Pink climbing rose.

Pink climbing rose. (Rose Pink.....)

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It's lovely to see all your flowers out DD. I am still enjoying the spring-summer transition here, no clems flowering except the one that I bought in the GC a couple of weeks ago! No roses either! My aquilegias are just coming and the sibiricas have buds on....geraniums are giving me some colour but not much else going on here, except rapid growth!

13 May, 2011


That's a beauty DD

13 May, 2011


Agree its lovely.

13 May, 2011


Lovely Dd , roses make summer !

18 May, 2011


its lovly.............. no more casuaties i hope

18 May, 2011


Thanks all, I do love our roses, most of them have perfume, not that I can smell them with my hay fever lol Cristina I hope not at this late stage.

18 May, 2011


;0))))) dont 4 get lots of pics of the day

20 May, 2011


Lovely rose, know what you mean I have the dreaded hayfever too and didn't it start early this year, on my one a day tablets that are helping lots :-))

28 May, 2011


yes me toooo lol ..................... but wots a few sneeezezzzz between plants ........

3 Jun, 2011

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This photo is of species Rose Pink......

This photo is of "Rose Pink...." in Dottydaisy2's garden

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