White Trillium blooming in the rain
By Lori

16 May, 2011
Comments on this photo
No surprise really, Karen. As the hillsides all across the province (especially in deciduous forest) are covered with trilliums (red and white) and erythronium and dicentra...it's a wonderful sight. It's causing me some frustration with my camera...you will note that the focus on the flower petals is not a sharp as it should be...this is a new one and it has so many features added on that it makes it way more complicated than my other little camera...It's going on the shelf..and I'm going shopping.
16 May, 2011
lol! Does it not have an 'auto focus' function then Lori. Mine does, saves me a whole lot of trouble. Intelligent Auto it is called!
16 May, 2011
Sorry, forgot to say it sounds wonderful with all those wild flowers. I think that if I lived somewhere like that I would lose the 'need' to garden. Think I would love it just as it is!
16 May, 2011
Yes my cam has the Auto Focus..and continuous focus..and about three others!! (smile detector...movement detector...and I sometimes think "intelligence" selector..as it seems to say.."Oh it's you again"...what can I do to drive you nuts today?" ) it seems that the auto focus on my cam is auto selective....it focuses on what it wants and to heck with my selected subject!! The trilliums (white) took a long time to open...the red ones were out about a week before them. This is prime time for nature's garden...the wild flowers are wonderful.
You are quite right about losing the need to garden...but I find that most of what I've done is custodial duty..I just clean up and it does it's thing and looks great ..and I can take some of the credit. There is so much out there to discover..found a Jack in the Pulpit yesterday!!
16 May, 2011
Brilliant, whatever that is! Is that like a 'Jack in the Green' or 'Hose in Hose' Primula Lori?
16 May, 2011
Jack in the green..I don't think I've ever heard it called that, Karen...Commonly called Jack-in-the-Pulpit...it is Arisaema triphyllum. They like boggy partially shaded areas...the flowering part is a smooth green and mottled purple sheath that folds over on top to cover the "Jack" a purple spathe in the centre of the 'pulpit'...very interesting plant. will have to go get a pic to post.
20 May, 2011
Ah, right. No, a jack in the green is a kind of primula. I know what you mean now though Lori, Thanks!
20 May, 2011
what a show Lori. I can just hear all the "Oohs" & "Ahhs" should a bunch of us Goyer's take a stroll round your way. Magic!!
21 May, 2011
Thank you, Bampy. The leaves are almost full on the trees now and the forest floor is shaded...most of the wild flowers are winding down...I found some seed pods on the erythronium which I'm going to try to propagate. If you had come to look at my place yesterday you would have run away in disgust...I've been able to get out and cut the grass today and it looks much better now..but it sure was a sorry sight...with all the rain we've had I couldn't get out to dig beds or transfer my plants, or work on the greenhouse or cut the grass. I'm feeling better now!! X-)
22 May, 2011
had you any idea Lori that so much wild stuff might be on your new plot? and will you revise much of your plans accordingly?
i symphatize w your camera frustrations, i am going thr the same thing at the moment w my new camera, however this thing actually has an 'intelligence' button!!!
love your trilliums and the Jack in the pulpit!
whats in a name...
i didnt know either of them
22 May, 2011
The white trillium is the floral emblem of the province of Ontario, Resi. It is a naturalised wildflower and it's expensive to buy at a nursery because it has a symbiotic relationship with ants that spreads it's seed and "plants" them in the leaf mould. They come from a subsoil rhizome and the true leaves are under the mulch...the three green food factories are actually brachts. As you can imagine most nurseries don't exactly welcome insects in their environs. If the flowers are picked the brachts (and the root's food manufactory) are gone..and the plant suffers die-back. It is illegal to remove them from Gov't land.
I've never seen a Jack growing in a garden. We have a lot of woodland and that is one area where I will be strictly "hands off!" I'm just the custodian, and I'll try to keep the area reasonably cleaned up and safe to walk in..but that will be all. the rest is up to nature.
Will wonders never cease? an "intelligent" camera? Mine has those features too and it makes me frustrated! I'm slowly getting used to it. I actually had to read the manual! lol...
23 May, 2011
Very beautiful. But what Trillium is not?
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I love trilliums Lori, and you seem to have quite a lot of it there! Lovely surprise for you!
16 May, 2011