From the office window 1
By Annella

17 May, 2011
This is the view from the office window taken after last weeks rain
Comments on this photo
It was nice to see some rain, I love how everything looks really green so quickly
17 May, 2011
what a wonderful view, from my office window I look at the lawn and the veg garden
17 May, 2011
Really nice Annella. Is this an office at your house or somewhere else
17 May, 2011
At home Cinders, it's the computer come tv room for the kids
17 May, 2011
It look so pretty and colourful Annie.
17 May, 2011
Thanks Karen, the new Acer has fitted in well
17 May, 2011
oh yes, it certainly has. It looks like it has been there for years. My garden took a battering in the wind lately and one of my Acers looks a bit 'bruised'. One of my clematis totally collapsed as well, and my new one is completely gone...both stems chewed off I think, just above the roots......blooming slugs I expect. I have pulled them away and will hope for regrowth.
I don't know if it's just hormones, but I feel like everything is just going wrong in the garden at the moment. The lawn is still looking dreadful, a couple of my roses are looking really strange, as if something has got to them, not chewed, more 'shrivelled'; my lovely lemon clematis 'love child' hardly has any flowers on it this year, the moss and algae are still going strong least when I get to Chelsea all will be pristine.
Your Osteo is just opening up here by the way..all over the place..lovely, I love the colour of it! I'll send the double flowered geranium once it has finished flowering. The one you sent me is looking sad....made me think perhaps a bit late now for digging them up. I think it will be fine in a couple of weeks, doesn't look dead, just struggling. The other plant (sorry, name has gone from my head) is looking much better.
17 May, 2011
I sympathise with you, Karen. I haven't taken a really good look at my own garden for a few days, so I'm disappointed today to find holes in the leaves of Photinias & Hellebores in the shady part. The Halliana Honeysuckle, which bloomed it's best ever last year, has brown leaves, with new green growth covered in what I think is powdery mildew! The mini-forest of bird seed grows taller each day, the Sunflowers are under attack. Oh yes, and every single Tadpole has gone from the little pond! Enough said? On the plus side, the Sweet Peas, Roses, Aquilegias and Grapevine are looking healthy. : o )))
17 May, 2011
We are a couple of moanies today Shirley!
17 May, 2011
Let's just think positive ... concentrate on the best bits of our gardens and put the bad to one side ... in our minds at least ... lol!
17 May, 2011
lovely area anne, so pretty :o)
17 May, 2011
Karen I understand, this migraine is hanging on and I feel like doing nothing at all outside. OMG I think the menopause has arrived :O((((
17 May, 2011
Well, maybe it has Annie.....perhaps that's what it is, or it could just be the windy weather is making us all grumpy and giving us headaches!
17 May, 2011
Yes Karen, I think it's a combo of bad wind and getting old!!!!
17 May, 2011
One seems to go with the other!
17 May, 2011
Yes but that made me smile so in the words of Ella...Whatever!!!
17 May, 2011
;)) "Whatever next?" I would say!
17 May, 2011
At least we keep our hair.....infact we get extra!!!! But we can dye and wax hun, lets stay positive x
17 May, 2011
It all looks pristine to me.....
17 May, 2011
Thanks Dotty
18 May, 2011
Hey, I'm losing mine on my head Annie, I have a thinning spot on the's driving me nuts! Sooner I get my blood test results back the better....I'm going to the dogs!! Moustache is coming on well :))
18 May, 2011
You know what I mean then;o))) Lol
18 May, 2011
18 May, 2011
Lovely, rain!!!! what rain I missed that.
19 May, 2011
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What a nice view Annella , :o)
17 May, 2011