Yay! Hey presto
By Lulu33

18 May, 2011
New 20 foot shrub bed, dug in about an hour!!
Comments on this photo
Lovely! It looks so so nice where you live and you worked so hard in that time :):):)
18 May, 2011
That looks good, well done
18 May, 2011
I like the shape of it, will look great when planted up.
18 May, 2011
No shortage of horse muck then? lol
18 May, 2011
A job well done ,do you know what you are going to plant it up with Lulu ?
18 May, 2011
Beautiful cottage as well Lulu!
18 May, 2011
gosh i think thats so brave..id love to just dig a new patch like that..but know it will be creating extra work id be unable to cope with..
is that the new dress you mentioned on the line by the way..hehe
18 May, 2011
Now for the fun bit!! Filling it!
18 May, 2011
Now the exciting bit - the planting :)
18 May, 2011
Well done, Lulu, beats climbing up trees! : o ))
18 May, 2011
Look forward to the next stage pics. Love your house.
19 May, 2011
Thanks folks, climbing a tree is far easier than digging that bed!
I have 2 large shrubs ready to go in, an Oleaster which will grow 3x3m and another, slightly smaller shrub which has a winter scent too, it's name and care card as usual alludes me! There is also a spare 3x3foot Mahonia. Would love a Rhus tree but not sure if that wouldn't look better on it's own. And while waiting for the shrubs to grow I have lots of self seeded plants that could go in. My plant was to just dig over the area I am planting and leave the frosts to break down the rest of the soil!
19 May, 2011
Beware of Rhus Lulu, we had one that started to die back so we cut it down to the ground with the intention of digging it out later, well within a couple of weeks we had over 500 suckers growing the whole length of the garden from the bottom to the house, through the lawn!!!! What a job we had to get rid too, had to get someone in to dig up the lawn and destroy the roots, so think on!! Only plant if you think it is going to stay in one place! x
19 May, 2011
Oh thank you for telling me GM!! As much as I like the trees......not everywhere! Funny though, I only ever see them as single trees!
19 May, 2011
Its their suckers Lulu that spread everywhere, nightmare.
19 May, 2011
eeeks! A Rhus forest!
22 May, 2011
In the right place, fine but NIMBY.!
22 May, 2011
Can't remember what NIMBY means Lol!
22 May, 2011
Not in my back yard!!!! Lol.
22 May, 2011
Well then, NIMBY either! ta for reminding me!
And for ages I thought LOL meant Lots of Love and I thought everybody on Goy were very friendly indeed!! The fact that they are is neither here or there! x
22 May, 2011
LOL LULU !!!! x
24 May, 2011
Lulu, when I joined GoY I had to ask what LOL, LMAO, ROFL all meant ... it's worse than text talk! I wish I could get those lovely emoticons, you know, the round faces which laugh, cry whatever. My OH has some hilarious ones on his footie forum! : o )
24 May, 2011
Smiley faces on GoY would be good!!
Sore back tonight...I have just planted up this BIG bed! Time for my bed now!
24 May, 2011
Oh no, sounds as though you've overdone it! Hot water bottle/Deep Heat cream for you, although David may not appreciate the latter! Sweet dreams. zzzzzzz
24 May, 2011
Take care Lulu, sleep well.
24 May, 2011
Slept quite well thanks....off to work to plant all over again today and tomorrow!!
Didn't do the deep heat as we had clean sheets last night and I didn't have the heart to make them all smelly!!!
25 May, 2011
Take it easier today, Lulu! Have a good day . . . .
25 May, 2011
What a beautiful situation! Am trying desperately not to be homesick ... nothing quite so elegant, or comparable out here in this monotonous land of prefabricated plastic. Many thanks for the fine view! Regards, Philip L
5 Jul, 2011
Thanks Philip, it is such a fine and open space here in Gloucestershire, having been born in London UK, I now can't do much more then a couple of days there. I miss our home, our dogs and my garden when we go away and am always so happy to return.
The flower bed is looking good now by the way and is filling up well.
5 Jul, 2011
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That will look brill when it's planted. Love your house Lulu
18 May, 2011