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wud love one of these in my garden .............

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Nice capture...........

25 May, 2011


Think he would trample down all your plants, dont think you would really like that!! Lol

25 May, 2011


Great picture C......

25 May, 2011


thanks milky and d.d .............. madge am sure you right lol , i,ll get a stufed one then ............;0p

27 May, 2011


You can buy them made of willow or cane or similar now that would nice and low maintenence too!! Lol.

27 May, 2011


now that wud be nice madge ................. ermmmm have to go shoping lol , just bought a rose arch to go round the back door , theres lots of cursing comeing from back garden lol

27 May, 2011


Brilliant, dont let him in until its done!!! Lol.

27 May, 2011


P.S. take a look at and see these sculptures, they are what I had in mind!! x

28 May, 2011


haha madge he keeps runing out of drill bits lol .............
will take a look hun thanks !!

28 May, 2011


Cristina I was in M & S today (again!) and they have a huge wire chicken (£55) about two feet in width, really lovely in the bits dept. lamps and candles etc, now that would look good in your garden.

28 May, 2011


lol madge you shoping 4 me now ................ haha !!! will have a look , my wedding aniversary on monday ............ may be he get it 4 me !!! , going to horse show 2 moz , so have to be at yard by 7 30 am to put sunshines makeup on haha i tried looking at the other web site , it not load !!! try again .................

28 May, 2011


Its funny isnt it!! I did think of you straight away in M&S! Have a lovely day t.moz hope its fine and not too cold,have fun, that website looks very expensive think its commisions only, but nice stuff. M&S cheaper.!

28 May, 2011


haha lol .................... will do x

28 May, 2011


beautiful bird - but they are very loud - mmmeeee-ooooowwww - meee-ooooooowwwww at 5am lol

30 May, 2011


lol paul ................ it can join the hens then !!! haha

30 May, 2011


LOL :):):)

30 May, 2011

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