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Night owl

Night owl

My lilac's best year so far. Planted it six years ago, and am rewarded with a beautiful scent.

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Nice to see a white one for a change!

7 Jun, 2011


That's not what I thought when I saw it flowering for the first time. I was sure I'd bought a lilac one from the local nursery, but by the time it flowered for the first time it had already lived in my garden for two years. At least the scent is wonderful.

7 Jun, 2011


What a pity, you'll need to get another one to go somewhere else!

7 Jun, 2011


I wished I had enough room to do that, but my garden is fairly small, Karen. Just wanted one because there was one in the corner of the laundry green where I grew up. We used to sing the German version of Ring a ring of roses, where, instead of falling down you hid under a bush, in the end. Less plague related, same tune, and fond memories, as we hid under the lilac bush (instead of the elder suggested in the song).
It's grown on me, homebird:-)

9 Jun, 2011

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