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Kigelia africana - Sausage Tree Fruit - Balboa Park, San Diego, CA.

Kigelia africana - Sausage Tree Fruit - Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. (Kigelia africana - Sausage Tree)

Here's a few of the hundreds of sausage-like fruits developing on the Sausage tree in the previous photo. Photo taken on May 25, 2011.

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I've never asked - are they edible (or would you want to)?

26 May, 2011



They're used medicinally for different ailments (not edible, though).

26 May, 2011


Interesting to see the fruits in development stage ...

18 Aug, 2011


Thanks! The fruits should be pretty large by now. I'll have to go back and take some new pics.

22 Aug, 2011

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