Ducks waiting for my morning bufet.
By Katarina

27 May, 2011
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Comments on this photo
LOL. No, I do not know where their nests are. Are eggs of wild ducks good?
7 Jun, 2011
I mistakenly thought they were part of your habitat, I wouldn't disturb any wild Ducks nesting, they would probably take off the hand...I have neighbours who have Ducks Geese and like us Chickens which are part of their habitat...and yes the eggs are good to eat...
7 Jun, 2011
Here we never eat duck eggs.
22 Nov, 2011
Duck egss are really tasty....I haven't had one in a while, tho you need a big plate...;))))
23 Nov, 2011
We get a pair of mallards that come to our small garden pond every Spring. They wait by the back door for me to give them something to eat!! There are a lot of ducks on the river in our village but only 2 come to visit us. I wonder if it can be the same ones that have been coming for about 5 years now!! I don't know how long ducks live for. They don't nest here or anything, just visit!
23 Jun, 2012
Hi, Shirlwirl, that is always a nice surprise waiting for you behind the doors, isn ´t it? I am also curious, how long do ducks live. I have no idea. Maybe somebody on this web page knows. I guess they live many years and are cominng back to places, where there was enough food for them. For me it was susrpirising to see, how they were surviving this year cruel frosts. It must have really exhausted them. So I fed them as much as possible.
24 Jun, 2012
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9 Aug, 2009
Do you use their eggs Katarina...
6 Jun, 2011