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Uxoria gardenaria nimbleatus

Uxoria gardenaria nimbleatus (ummmm.....)

This is for Margo!

Comments on this photo


not loriscissorhands then??

or multitaskingtools sittingonthejobus???

13 Jun, 2011


LOL... I was going to do a parody of "American Gothic" but I couldn't hold onto the weedeater, the chainsaw, the rake and shovel...and push the lawnmower at the same time..while clicking the shutter! heee heee....

13 Jun, 2011


well you havent done a bad job!!!!

i like the hat.

13 Jun, 2011


Good job! Queen of all she surveys! That's a dangerous looking weapon on your knees! I like your hat too! Suits you!!:0)

13 Jun, 2011


LOL...thanks ladies! you can't see it very well at this distance but the label on the hat says: "I am Canadian" is a marketing ploy by Molson's Brewery, brewers of Molson's Canadian Lager Beer...I think they are no longer in business...could be wrong. Hat is son's ...if everyone had their own! (sorry Margo...couldn't find my deerstalker...come to think of it...I think it's in the trunk of the car!) too late...but I have my wellies on too!

13 Jun, 2011


Oh BRILLIANT! You are just missing out on the macho stance lol! But hey...other than that? Just as I imagined!!!

14 Jun, 2011


I have even added it to my favourites lol!

14 Jun, 2011


Excellent. !! I like it !!!

14 Jun, 2011


Oh this was fun...but it's back to work.

14 Jun, 2011


Before you go, what is that little red "spaceship" above your head???

14 Jun, 2011


Nooooo, not the hat!!!

14 Jun, 2011


The little red spaceship landed in my birdbath...looks like all hands were we'll never know who was their leader! lol.... ahem!... it's a hummingbird feeder.
I can't stop giggling...just had a flashback to a younger in plaid shirts singing....
"I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK..." lol...How did Monty Python get into this?

15 Jun, 2011


It's Tet, Lorilyn - she encourages the worst in us - and monty python!

15 Jun, 2011


ME?? Encourage the worst in people??? Never!!I would have you know youngling that if there were no worst I couldnt encourage it my fault that others have the same wicked sense of humour??
Let it all hang loose man before that big foot gets you!! lol

15 Jun, 2011


oooh i like the youngling comment!!!
the next sentence i cant work out cos its got 2 negatives and i have never been able to sort those out!!

you bring out the best tet ~ but the best is probably an acquired taste!!!

the moon is going to be red tonight ~ did you know?

mind you not sure i will be able to see it ~ its very cloudy here

15 Jun, 2011


I am a master of the double negative..and also very much an acquired taste, like hemlock or belladona...or just nasty medicine..but! I will say this..tis never my intention to be unkind..funny (sometimes),witty (almost never) but I love to tease..
Okay, okay...
I must not tease nice people
I must not tease nice people
I must not..Yaaawwn..snore...

PS I dont howl at red moons...nothing showing here anyway...

15 Jun, 2011


No it's all cloud here - I'm hoping bampy will get a photo?

You are very kind, not unkind at all.

15 Jun, 2011


Now dont let everyone know Im a soft "apeth of dap", you will ruin my reputation lol!

Yes, Bampy is much more able to I would think..

15 Jun, 2011


We are supposed to have clear skies for viewing the eclipse here in Ontario. I've had such a day that I don't think I can stay awake. I'll just have to check with you all tomorrow.

16 Jun, 2011


couldnt see it at all here? was it any better in bristol tet?

16 Jun, 2011


LOL....Lori, just found your photo....I love it. Love your 'Echo' chainsaw. They're the best....You need your kevlar chaps on!! :o)

16 Jun, 2011


I was almost afraid to use it, Gilli, after I read all the warnings...don't do this...must use that...don't refuel here...don't start there... Yikes!~ Then they get on to the helmets, gloves, chaps, boots, safety goggles and earmuffs!
I hope I'm not tempting fate but I've actually used it without injury so far. I also have an Echo 225 which has numerous uses..a weed whipper, a brush cutter, and there is also a mini tiller attachment...They really are great machines and they're made in the U.S.of A.

16 Jun, 2011


As long as you dont use em for any horror movies lol!

No Sticki, didnt have even a glimpse {:-(

16 Jun, 2011


I read one warning once that said "do not try to stop chain with hands". LOLOLOL....Are people really that stupid??

17 Jun, 2011


there's no telling what people will do in a moment of panic...The really scary ones are the people who have no respect for them. No telling what they're thinking..or if they even are, thinking; but recently heard a story of a fellow who bought himself a lovely large chainsaw and proceeded to cut limbs above his head...the saw blade tip caught another limb and kicked back...cut the mans jugular and almost sliced his torso in two. How would you write that obituary? :-/

17 Jun, 2011


This man was served a 'large slice' of life?????

18 Jun, 2011


gristly...:-(, Gilli! Poor man, but there is no cure for stupidity.

18 Jun, 2011


That is the truth Lori and it only takes a split second.

18 Jun, 2011


I'm so glad I found GoY last August. Have just read all these comments from everyone, such a happy positive bunch & infectiously funny.
I noticed the hummingbird feeder straight away, what a delight to see them on their migration. I'd get nothing done just trying to get photos.
Great photo of you btw Lori, would certainly bring out 'politness' in a person when holding a chain saw eh? cant imagine a spotty youth NOT saying his "please & thankyous". LOL. ;-))

19 Jun, 2011


Hi Bampy! glad you found us. We bought the feeder because I saw one confused little hummer checking out my red handled shovel! poor dear. I'm going to look for a new recipe for the nectar...I don't like feeding them red dye number whatever. They are the most beautiful creatures, aye?
LOL... never thought of myself as stern...but with a chainsaw in hand, I suppose I do look a little daunting?? lol...I'm not photogenic...always take a terrible pic so I suppose that's why I look like I'm contemplating the Texas Chainsaw Massacre!
It's nice to have gardening friends who are easy going. The group I tend to gravitate to is the collection of like-obsessed plant/pet/nature lovers who are relaxed enough to enjoy a good joke and some good-natured ribbing.

20 Jun, 2011


'Here Here' to a good joke & nature Lori - - - it's my oxygen & no mistake !! ;-))
I was imprinted to hummingbirds age 10 when I was taken to London Zoo, I was 60 last month so you know how far back I'm going. The hummingbird house no longer exists, however, when I first went into this humid large aviary the most amazing thing happened, 3 hummingbirds rocketed up to my face & stopped dead inch's away from me, & they were 'buzzing' ?? Just static tiny bright creatures with these blurred wings looking right at me. A 'Close Encounter' you might say! Unreal & magical experience for a lad who was only used to seeing sparrows etc. I remember visiting Exeter museum regularly as a youngster back home & always being fascinated by the large glass cabinet containing different species of hummingbirds, their nests & eggs. But it was the Bee Hummingbird that totally fascinated, minute.
What I think about is the millions of years its taken to develope such a creature, so small yet huge migratory journey for some species, all those perils it has to overcome to survive. Youtube is brilliant for watching the hummers in peoples gardens at the feeders. Yep, I'm smitten with them. ;-)
There is a similar youtube video 'Hummingbird Studies Man' by Video think'

21 Jun, 2011


They've recently started with butterfly houses too, Bampy..but I have to wonder ...Why did they close such a wonderful exhibit? Did the militant nature types get on their high horse about keeping "migratory species" captive? anyway...I totally agree about hummers. The hummers here are very furtive...they dart in to the feeder and out again...the dominant male sits on the telephone wire (now there's something that's becoming an anachronism) and watches for any strays who might think that they can just swoop in and feast at HIS feeder! lol... Hubby's aunt from BC just sent me a video (it has to be on YT) via e/m that is about a family in Alaska who started hand feeding the hummers and had video of the little beauties sitting on their and their daughter's hands....wonderful! Will have to look up the YT video you recommended.
Digital photography has produced a wealth of wonderful photos from folk who just "snap away" me. and there's so much of it on the web. Found a terrific site for identifying Taylor Lockwood...You won't regret it! lol..

21 Jun, 2011


It seems to me that the female hummers around here are much "tamer" than the males. I had one just today fly up about 2 feet away from me and feed from the honeysuckle. She couldn't have cared less that I was there. I don't think I've ever had a male hummer come in quite that close.

Lori, that recipe for food is....

Hummingbird Food Recipe

Use 1 part sugar to 4 parts water mixture. (example: 1cup white sugar + 4 cups water)
1. Boil the water. Measure after.

2. Add the sugar while hot and stir until all the granules are dissolved.

3. Allow mixture to cool to room temperature before filling clean feeders.

4. Refrigerate any leftover solution.

Boiling will kill any bacteria or mold spores which may be present. It will also reduce any chlorine or fluorine that is in the water.
Measuring the water after boiling prevents the amount of water used from being reduced by boiling and therefore making the solution too strong.

23 Jun, 2011


Thanks Gilli! much appreciated. The feeder kit that I purchased had two red plastic pouches of mixture...the instruction didn't include sterilizing the glass jar part of the feeder or boiling the water to mix with the pouch contents...I can see that what remains in the feeder is cloudy and strange looking so I'm going to remove it immediately and make up a batch from your recipe. Thanks again!

23 Jun, 2011


I have no idea how I managed to miss these pics Lori...this one is hilarious! Nice job!

26 Jul, 2011


Hi Karen Thanks!...we've been chatting about this and that. It's interesting the tangents that comments take.
Gilli: Have just put out a fresh batch for the hummers...they are coming in droves! I never have my camera when they show up. Will have to set up a blind in the greenhouse! maybe I can get pics that way!

26 Jul, 2011


lovig the pic lorilyn...:-)

21 Sep, 2011


Thanks Sandra...posted a pic recently of the dominant female hummer actually taking a break...sitting on the perch taking a leisurely sip! (I'm confusing myself with these two pages...maybe not the best idea I ever had!)

21 Sep, 2011


i think its a great idea Lori...:-)

22 Sep, 2011


Thanks Sandra!

24 Sep, 2011

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This photo is of species ummmm......

This photo is of "Uxoria gardenaria nimbleatus" in Lorilyn57's garden

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