Easter Cacti in full bloom
By Scotkat

18 Jun, 2011
Late in blooming this year.
Comments on this photo
Was late in blooming Maureen but she did perform so more cuttings on the go.
And from my white one.
21 Jun, 2011
I loved these! I grow some of these & I've had some flower already but I have a big one on the balcony which has had buds for a very long time but they are only just beginning to open! I also have a white one & a very deep red one.
23 Jun, 2011
Do you have this one Balcony happy to swap for a red cutting.
23 Jun, 2011
Yes, I have this lovely pink! As for the red & the white ones they haven't flowered this year & I have no idea which is which! If I knew I'd be only to happy to send you a cutting! Sorry! :-((
26 Jun, 2011
Beautiful blooms
20 Jun, 2011