Jasminum humile revolutum
By Wagger
- 24 Jun, 2011
Comments on this photo
A few, Tetrarch, lol. This one grows into a very large shrub but can be cut right back to the base - it's in the front garden so the postman gets most of the benefit. The paperboy (a lady) commented on the scent.
26 Jun, 2011
I enjoy selling my plants on the drive simply cos it means I can sit and enjoy the front garden which, if you did that without a reason people would think you were nuts lol!
28 Jun, 2011
I've just been reading your 'front garden' blog and can't imagine anybody thinking you nuts for sitting our there - selling or not, lol.
28 Jun, 2011
Why thank you Wagger..but the kudos goes to my OH who slaved over it while I just watched and made the odd suggestion or six..I decided I shouldve been a film director..loadsa money for telling folks what to do lol! Another chance in a lifetime passed me by (sigh).
28 Jun, 2011
I'd love to find a 'slave' like that!!! I'm a top class supervisor too, never thought about trying my hand at film directing, lol.
28 Jun, 2011
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This photo is of "Jasminum humile 'revolutum'" in Wagger's garden
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You have quite a collection of Jasmine, Wagger. Bet the garden smells lovely! I am growing a yellow (cant remember name) and a Beesianum but they are in pots.
24 Jun, 2011