Fuchsia "Lady Boothby"
By Meanie
- 25 Jun, 2011
It's completely ridiculous that this is descibed as a "climbing" Fuchsia - it will simply grow very tall very quickly if you pinch out the majority of side shoots! Which makes it ideal for the back of the bed that it's in, up against the fence which I can tie it to, as it doesn't self cling.
And best of all to my mind is that it's a nice simple Fuchsia flower.
Comments on this photo
I don't think so - it's been around for a few years.
It used to be very expensive around here, but a local nursery that specialises in annuals does it for £1.75 from March onwards.
26 Jun, 2011
£1.75 is a good price, but I thought fuchsias were perennial?
26 Jun, 2011
Some are hardy, some aren't. This is hardy, but to be honest it's so late to get going after the winter that I just replace it.
27 Jun, 2011
Ah, I see what you mean, I have always liked fuchsias but have recently joined the local society, hoping to learn more, I love their brilliant colours but they are also easy to propagate which is good.
I'm going to try to create a standard out of 'hawkeshead' fuchsia, it will be a challenge but if it works it will look good
27 Jun, 2011
A lot of people lift and store them, but at that price it's not really worth my effort......
If that works it'll be a stunner!
27 Jun, 2011
I was given a standard last year but even though I took it in before the frosts it still died, I only hope the person who gave it to me doesn't ask!
27 Jun, 2011
If they ask be honest - "you gave me an inferior quality plant"!!!!
27 Jun, 2011
Eeek I wouldn't dare, I think it was a bit of a special one, also present giver was mother of my daughter in law to be. Nice lady.
27 Jun, 2011
Just palms off crap plants eh!!!!!
27 Jun, 2011
not bad Meanie, it is infuriating when they make such statements about plants..
27 Jun, 2011
If people don't know any different they'll be very disappointed!
27 Jun, 2011
that's right a lot of people don't really know and rely on labels.
27 Jun, 2011
The lady who gave me the fuchsia works voluntarily at the nursery!
27 Jun, 2011
It would lose nothing for being correctly described - it's perfect for growing at the back of the bed against tall fences. And I personally prefer these less fussy Fuchsia flowers.
27 Jun, 2011
Sticki - I still maintain that you should accept no responsibility for its death!!
27 Jun, 2011
Ok, thanks meanie, at least that makes me feel better.
27 Jun, 2011
Sticki - I've never killed a plant, only ever had inferior ones!!
Much excitement here at the moment - I've just put my Tacca chantrieri (Bat Flower) in the bucket for it's weekly soak and found not one, but two new flower stems just come through!
27 Jun, 2011
A bat flower? That sounds very good news but I will have to google it.
I had good news too today - I found tiny grapes growing on my vine. I've had the vine for about 4 years and these are the first!
I don't think for a second they will be edible I just like the look of them.
27 Jun, 2011
It is good news!
I used to have grapes, and they were inedible, but as you say they do look good!
27 Jun, 2011
Is this right? It's absolutely fantastic, never seen anything like it. My oldest son would love this! I love it's black legs!
27 Jun, 2011
That's the daddyoo!!
27 Jun, 2011
So yours is the same but smaller?
27 Jun, 2011
This ain't no small plant Sticki! One of the leaves is nearly half a metre long!
27 Jun, 2011
Half a metre??? That's huge! Where will you keep it?
27 Jun, 2011
It's in the conservatory Sticki. Needs hot and humid.
Here's a photo of the plant when I got it.......
27 Jun, 2011
It's quite a giant! How big will the flowers be?
27 Jun, 2011
that sounds great Meanie, i've been tempted to try from seed these, are they that bad?
27 Jun, 2011
Open this photo up then read on......
As you can see, the flowers are quite small. But the sepal (bat wings part) is large, it can apparently be up to 25cm. The "whiskers" can be up to 60cm long!
27 Jun, 2011
Failed miserably several times SL! Apparently, the seed has to be fresh. So, I bought this plant with the intention of hand pollinating and trying any seed that forms.
27 Jun, 2011
Well that is something worth trying for - it is incredible!
27 Jun, 2011
Well cool isn't it Sticki!
27 Jun, 2011
I love it! It's just amazing. I didn't know there were such things, it's better than day of the triffids!
27 Jun, 2011
You just have to seek them out Sticki!
This is next on the list.........
27 Jun, 2011
You going to get one of those? I have run out of superlatives! It is incredible, not sure if it's a plant or animal! I like it's e-address!
27 Jun, 2011
I've sourced the bulbs, but they're not available for another month or so......
27 Jun, 2011
Ah well, time to save up? How reliable are the bulbs?
27 Jun, 2011
Tender, and a fiver each!
It's a winter grower, and the flowers are a little whiffy.....
27 Jun, 2011
Put them next to narcissus and no one will notice!
27 Jun, 2011
Meanie, I saw a photo of this by Milky and hers looked quite good. She said she just uses tomato feed on them. I am now doing the same to see if there is any improvement.
28 Jun, 2011
Frybo - I'm far from unhappy with mine! It just winds me up when things are as blatantly misdescribed as this is!
28 Jun, 2011
Calm down dear - it's only a plant !! Just kidding, yes it is very misleading. I have to check mine all the time to see if it needs tying in.
29 Jun, 2011
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Fuchsia Boliviana
£15.00 at Burncoose -
Fuchsia (Trailing) 12 Jumbo Ready Plants
£14.98 at Jersey Plants Direct -
Fuchsia (Upright) 12 Jumbo Ready Plants
£14.98 at Jersey Plants Direct -
Fuchsia (Giant) 12 Jumbo Ready Plants
£14.98 at Jersey Plants Direct -
Fuchsia 'Lady Boothby'
£14.50 at Burncoose
Good colour too - is this named after a previous speaker of the house of commons?
25 Jun, 2011