By Sharni07

4 Jul, 2011
Dicasia, beautiful perenial flowers it's socks of all summer long, love it. This one I put in a wall planter near my front door, I have one the other side too. :)
Comments on this photo
They are lovely aren't they, so dainty but not to bold. I loved them so much I ordered another 10. Most of mine are in pots or hanging from walls fences as I think they look better that way than in the ground. I shall protect some over the winter and leave others and see what happens, fingers crossed lol.
4 Jul, 2011
This is gorgeous...
added to GoYpedia Wallmangers :o)
7 Jul, 2011
I think they are brilliant for their long lasting colour in tubs and pots ,I have them in mine ......
10 Jul, 2011
all the pictures are lovely sharni .lots of colour there cheers pete
23 Jul, 2011
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This photo is of "Dicasia" in Sharni07's garden
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I love diascia too, but have yet to get one to survive the winter!
4 Jul, 2011