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Huge Ficus benjamina - Weeping Fig

Huge Ficus benjamina - Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamina - Weeping Fig)

This gorgeous, huge Weeping Fig was so large I could barely get it into the camera lens. It has a gigantic circumference. Photo taken on 4th of July, 2011 near Mission Bay, San Diego, CA.

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Would this be the same Weeping Fig we have as house plants??? It is huge.

5 Jul, 2011



It is the same.

5 Jul, 2011


So that is really huge then!

5 Jul, 2011


The roots must damage the house?

5 Jul, 2011


That is one very big Ficus lol. ;o)

5 Jul, 2011



Yes, this is a pretty large Weeping Fig. The circumference was especially large.

6 Jul, 2011



Yes, I wouldn't want to see the root system on this tree.

Many huge Ficus species are planted here in San Diego...and they are notorious for lifting sidewalks, house foundations and more. They're such beautiful trees, however, must be strategically placed.

6 Jul, 2011



Yes, it's a very big Ficus. :>) It would be providing very nice shade during the very hot and humid weather we're having now.

6 Jul, 2011


Thanks Delonix.

6 Jul, 2011


Very welcome shade, I should think.
Strategically placed? I don't think so. lol. :o)

6 Jul, 2011


lol. You need a good acre of land to strategically place this tree. :>)

8 Jul, 2011



8 Jul, 2011


You need to go back and take a closeup!..That trunk looks huge.

21 Sep, 2014


The trunk is gigantic. I can't imagine what the roots are doing to this house.

In my neighborhood there's an 80' tall Ficus eleastica 'Decora' which has lifted the fence, driveway and part of the garage. These trees (Ficus species) are beautiful and majestic; however, they're not a good garden tree.

21 Sep, 2014


You can see the weeping better in this photo its gorgeous but huge.

28 Jul, 2017


That has a Hawaiian banyon look to it.(Minus the banyon roots.) Huge tree. Not many evergreen tree's period, reach that size in the bay area.

29 Jul, 2017



Yes, definitely the weeping branches are very visible. :>))

30 Jul, 2017



Weeping fig usually doesn't have many aerial roots...only in really wet humid climates like Hilo, HI. There's one in Rainbow Falls in Hilo which is massive. In Honolulu you see very few with aerial roots. Mostly the usual Ficus benghalensis has lots of aerial roots. It has a lot of aerial roots here, also.(typically in the ground).

The Ficus benghalensis I sold a few years ago only had aerial roots closer to the ground. It was in a pot.

30 Jul, 2017


Thank you Andy☺

31 Jul, 2017

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