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cuprinal addvert on telly ........... my grandaughter

cuprinal addvert on telly ........... my grandaughter

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this is the pic they used on the t.v add , they took hundreds of pics and were here all day .

11 Jul, 2011


Brill Cristina :))))))))

12 Jul, 2011


Great stuff Cristina, I'll look out for it. :-))

12 Jul, 2011


What a great photo - you must be very proud.

12 Jul, 2011


Brilliant pic Cristina. Bet Granddaughter is chuffed to be famous.... :o)

12 Jul, 2011


ah was that your garden Cristina! i remember reading about the cuprinol comp you won, seems Ages ago. Well done and what a great pic they chose, grandaughter looks like a proppa gardener lol.. A massive Well done, again..

12 Jul, 2011


Bet your grandaughter was pleased.... will look out 4 the ad....

12 Jul, 2011


thanksevery one they sent me this in a lovely frame ... a surprize gift !!!

12 Jul, 2011


Nice.....Fame at such a young age bless her.....!

12 Jul, 2011


she loved every min. lol .............. can you tell ;0)))

12 Jul, 2011


Lovely picture. Yet another way to get on TV. My OH got himself on TV in a programme with an iffy title. A TV team turned up out of the blue when he reported a leak under the sink. I was out and referred to as 'er indoors'. He asked in true Prince Phillip style 'did all women have so much clutter in their kitchen cupboards' etc. We were bombed with telephone calls and emails and given a video by a friend who recorded most of the televised content.......cringe!

13 Jul, 2011


LOL Dorjac...thats one for the book he's going to write!!!

Cristina, she looks marvellous, full of fun and energy..wish I could still do that!! No wonder they used her for the ad.

13 Jul, 2011


omgdorac.............. lol , was it bt dodgyplumers haha
well why not!!!
tet i wish i cud do it tooo lol .............;0p

13 Jul, 2011


The ad has been on the TV hasnt it, sure we saw it because we have been looking out for you, I bet your granddaughter was chuffed to bits......

13 Jul, 2011


yes ......... u prob have lol . you can watch on line !! won more cuprinal now lol , got a call to say its on the way .... ;0))

14 Jul, 2011


Still waiting for our £50.00 worth......

20 Jul, 2011


got ours on tue ............. was posties fault tho . e.mail them

21 Jul, 2011

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