The new house in Lagos
By Karenfrance

18 Jul, 2011
Home for the best part of the next five years...just enough room for a little garden...
Comments on this photo
No,'s Lagos, Nigeria...BIG wrench moving (only just got on top of things here)...but for me it's just for the winter months....
...and we do intend to come back at the end of OH's contract...
18 Jul, 2011
Oh goodness that is a move! I am so glad you can at least go home eventually. I do wish you well and hope it goes really well and fast for you this winter.
18 Jul, 2011
Thank you:)
Have 'in denial' written in big letters on my forehead, at the moment.....
18 Jul, 2011
Good luck with your move Karen...a new garden, no matter how small will keep you occupied. It will be good to learn about new plants etc. When my brother lived in Asia, he asked me to do something with his garden. I thoroughly enjoyed myself going round all the nurseries and seeing new things. :)
18 Jul, 2011
There is that, Scottish...:)
It's just that I'm scared about what'll happen to the house and garden here, although I will have someone looking after it, and my French has only just reached the stage where I can cope in any situation (will I forget)...and it's so far away from family... :(
18 Jul, 2011
oh Karen...poor you...:(( Sorry the wrench must be so hard...
Good looking House...and a new garden experience for you...
H says he doesn't think you'll forget the grammar, odd words you forget the meaning of...but it'll click in when you're back home again...I lost so much because I was so isolated, and probably not even at your standard, but I give it my best shot when I have to lol...:)) keep smiling love...
21 Jul, 2011
Thanks sue :))
I expect I will be fine when I get there and life resumes again...but the thought of it at the moment is both exciting and scary!
21 Jul, 2011
Karen yes it will be scary but and experience for you and still being able to get home in Summer at Xmas a bonus treat it as a big long holiday as really that is what it will be for you think it as that my friend.
We will keep you in our thoughts and good luck and enjoy your new garden which will give you many hours of pleasure.
22 Jul, 2011
It will be nice to escape the winter in both countries...
Thank you, Kath :)
22 Jul, 2011
Your welcome Karen keep in touch with us all.
22 Jul, 2011
Escape Winter!! room in the suitcase lol...:)))
22 Jul, 2011
Got 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms...and a maid! (biggest house I've ever lived in!!)...visitors welcome, lol!!!
23 Jul, 2011
Had a real working hard day today...lots of digging, lifting Turf...and creating new beds and borders towards the front...had a lovely soak and a good cream, but the hands still feel dry...Lots of planting too, bought 'Hot lips' on my GC shopping trip yesterday...not planted yet though...
Going to put my feet up now will speak tomorrow if you're home....x
23 Jul, 2011
Tomorrow, I will be gloriously unoccupied after lunchtime... :) x
23 Jul, 2011
This is me O7am...I forgot to won't have far to go for the Post Office...
Looking at the verandah there's room for two flowering troughs on top rails...make us all jealous with some trailing exoctics...:))) You can always tell the houses and pavillions abroad,the modern build I mean, the roof line and the White walls...I tried to take a shot of the Front garden bed this morning, and it picked up the white of the Pavillons across the cul-de-sac, so I'll have to think of something...Brain in over-drive
24 Jul, 2011
ha ha!...perhaps I could also make a feature of the abandonned chair on the veranda above the P.O, lol!!
Am hoping that some of the other wives will be able to introduce me to the local nurseries quite quickly...
...and that the maid will take me to the local markets and teach me how to make African food...:))
We've got some sun, this morning...nice light for taking pics...
24 Jul, 2011
Morning Karen....quite nippy here this morning, and a heavy dew, sign of a nice day coming...So pleased with what I acheived yesterday...I wanted a view from the kitchen window, and also brighten up the area we like to sit in when the sun is so Hot at the back...The Kitchen faces East, so we get the lovely morning Sun, and so will the plants...
I didn't see that was a chair lol...have you visited the House yet!!....
24 Jul, 2011
You should be pleased - you didn't half get a lot done! :))
Have seen a few more pics of the inside (empty), that's all! When I get there, someone from the company is going to take me furniture shopping... :)))
24 Jul, 2011
can't be bad...:)))
Finished of the rest of what i wanted to do...few tweaks to do...but in the main its completed...
And quick too, you'll need a you got much of a garden to play about with...Write those recipes down if you get some good ones on African Food, some is really good you long as we can get the ingredients here, sometimes it's like pulling teeth...
24 Jul, 2011
Good for you! :))) When do we see the pics? :))
N is allowed to choose a bed and anything he needs for his office...
...everything else will have to wait 'til I get there, lol!!!
24 Jul, 2011
I'm going to do a Blog...I think it will be more effective with the whole thing on...I can't get to photograph everything in one it's a step by step...account...The plants for the gaps in Borders at the back are still not planted yet, but I have pics of those, can put them up tomorrow pm...OH is taking the PC and the CD rom from our old Comp to the shop tomorrow, as we can't open the rom...and on there are pics from the old house too...
That's good at least you can sleep in comfort...It's a long journey...
24 Jul, 2011
Hi Meadowland, leaving...but not forever, this is home for me...
...will start shopping for African garden this space, lol!
24 Jul, 2011
I think that a blog is a great idea, Sue! You'll have to it in chapters,!!!
Read yours and will PM you soon...x
24 Jul, 2011
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Is that Lagos Portugal Karen? Must be a wrench for you moving? Are you keeping your French Home?
18 Jul, 2011