The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Mini garden


By Annella

Mini garden

Things to do in the garage when it's raining. An old pot, 4 £1.00 Alpines and shells from holidays past

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What a lovely idea.
Do you remember making 'gardens' when you were little?

19 Jul, 2011


Yes and mud pies Sticky x

19 Jul, 2011


Oooh yes, and potions! (Rose petals and anything else mixed with water)

19 Jul, 2011


I used to love making my own perfumes with lavender and roses. Bugs in pots was another favourite! Even though I hate them now. My sister had a thing for collecting caterpillers, the furry ones were the best.

19 Jul, 2011


What fun - wish I didn't have to grow up! And get old!

19 Jul, 2011


I know Sticki, but when it rains I hide in my garage and make things like this xxx

19 Jul, 2011


I shall put this on my favourites cos it's such a good idea and I want to remember it - after I have cleared out the garage!

19 Jul, 2011


Lol Sticki! My garage is getting smaller and smaller because of my pots and rubbish. I am now working just inside the front door. Can we bear in mind that this double garage is large enough for my mum and dads retirement flat.....better get cleaning cos they want to move before they are ninety ;O))))))))

19 Jul, 2011


I know the feeling! OH gave me a deadline to clear it out!

19 Jul, 2011


what a beautiful set of photos on here Annella

20 Jul, 2011


Children would love making your little garden - can you imagine all sorts of extras! Zoo animals, monsters etc etc.

20 Jul, 2011


I like those ideas Sticki!!!

20 Jul, 2011


Thank you Yorks :o)) Can you tell I get bored when it rains Lol!

20 Jul, 2011


I think we all do, I tend to cook but now I want to do a garden like yours!

20 Jul, 2011

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