Hot Chocolate
By Oliveoil

19 Jul, 2011
Forecast rain so took picture while it was still looking good.
Comments on this photo
Glad to be of help Muddy. Has the wet washed them away at your side of the country? We have just had a thunder storm, well an hour or so ago. It bucketed down and my washing was nearly dry, still it has had an extra rinse, I will not venture out in storms. Scaredy cat that I am. Will your roses repeat flower some of mine are doing, in fact there are more buds on the 2nd flush than there was on the 1st think that is because of the rain we have had in the last few weeks. Not had to water for ages now, thank goodness.
19 Jul, 2011
Yes I do have some repeaters Oliveoil and thankfully buds are forming as we speak. It's unusual to have NO roses in flower, but the weather has been unusual I guess. :-)
19 Jul, 2011
Yes it certainly has muddy.
19 Jul, 2011
Some of my roses are only just developing buds....well, they DID have buds but the storm on the first day of Chelsea blew them right off their stems!
19 Jul, 2011
It has been horrible weather up there for you in Scotland I know been watching weather forecasts, think it will pick up eventually though, it is very unsettled down here at the moment. Quite a lot cooler which is good for working in.
20 Jul, 2011
It usually doesn't get very good later on tbh. Summer here seems to end at the end of July. August is usually a little autumnal...but you never know......we had summer in April, perhaps we will have summer again in
20 Jul, 2011
Sue and Phil came up tonight, Sue looked at the rose and said thats a nice rose it is quite brown isn't it, I just lol and said that is why it is called Hot Chocolate. lol. Been trying to buy some potted roses today, but none left at g.c. :o(
D A new rose catalogue came today, lovely lovely lovely.
20 Jul, 2011
I NEVER get a catalogue from them! Bloomin cheek!
20 Jul, 2011
go on line and ask for one to be sent out. I did spend a lot of money with them last year though, so that is maybe why! Not saying you didn't but you know what I mean! ! !
The front cover is WHITE Roses lol :o))
How is your weather today, we are dark and dismal, hoping it stays fine so I can cut my grass, it is growing now we have had some rain at last. Planted some low growing plants yesterday (I had to buy them when I went to g.c. didn't I) No roses so had to buy something. When I dug out the spot for them it was still stone dry in there. Put in a couple of low growing hardy geraniums and a couple of pink erodiums. Will not put anything in now until roses are in situ. Might buy some of those pretty snowdrop looking bulbs this Autumn, if I can remember their name. Lost my note with the name on them, I know will look it up on photos on here. lol good thinking bat woman. lol :o)
21 Jul, 2011
Karen - got it - Leucojum vernalis - Snowflake, that is what I shall be looking for this Autumn it was pretty amazing at Hodsock Priory. Loved it just like little pixie bonnets. Also those hardy Cyclamen Corms for spring flowers. They would look nice underneath roses don't you think!
21 Jul, 2011
Yes, very....cyclamen hederefolium is nice..leaves like ivy. Cyclamen Coum too. Weather here...just the same, grey, occasional drizzle. We did have sight of sun today at some point, but not for long. :(
21 Jul, 2011
Sun came out late on and has been lovely all afternoon, a bit more settled than it was early week. Forecast not bad for weekend. Fingers crossed. Got my grass cut and trimmed the edges so another job done today. Sam in Wakefield last day tomorrow, had Team Teach days last two days so has been busy. Sarah finished school for summer today also. Kevin got the job he wanted with Doncaster Council so they are now planning to do the extension to their house. It has been a difficult time for them, they have been waiting to find out for ages and ages if he was going to have a job, they just could not make any plans. Not been nice for them. Think she might get across tomorrow when she has done her washing. I have to bake and then I think we might pay a g.c. a visit. lol.
21 Jul, 2011
Have a lovely time. I went out with Rachel this afternoon. We got new curtains for their living room, cushions to match and a few other bits and pieces. Student pad? Aye, that'll be right...more like a penthouse! :))
21 Jul, 2011
You spoil them rotten. Hope they appreciate you but sure they do. Hope Callum still mending, how is Joyce coping and more to the point how is Scott coping, is he ok?
I am still investigating roses not sure really which to have but still think I shall be ok with original list will keep looking, tried to buy some from Hall Farm Nursery, they usually have lots in pots, not a one left, she is winding down because they are retiring, I shall miss that nursery, it is the one at the bottom of Harpswell Hill, on the way to Caenby Corner, it was good to be able to pop up there and she was always very reasonable with prices. Always had lots of choice too. It is disappointing, but I suppose it is very tying having a business at 60 and wanting a break, they are keeping the gardens open but closing the nursery.
Did you see Tatton Park Show on BBC 2 tonight, it looked good.
Off to bed, got a busy day tomorrow. Night Night. xxx
21 Jul, 2011
No i didn't see it....night night! xx
21 Jul, 2011
I almost bought "Hot Chocolate" for Little Pot" lovely fragrance but the plants were a bit sickly Not very well looked after.
Karenensusan+ I got two David Austin Catalogues this time. If you would like one send me your address on PM's, and I'll pop it in the post for you.
23 Jul, 2011
How kind! You give that away to a friend Grannyb...I'll get one I'm sure!
23 Jul, 2011
No problem.
24 Jul, 2011
That is a lovely rose Olive,and you are lucky to have them flowering at the moment. A lot of mine went to mush apart from the odd few that do shrug the weather off.I wonder when the summer is coming back!
26 Jul, 2011
I know some places have had it really bad, we are short of rainfall here in Lincolnshire, our garden is so dry again. You must have had more rain than we have, I know it is closer to the coast but I find it rather strange how you are South Humberside and we are North Lincolnshire and the weather has been so different, as Karen Sue said small clouds. lol, I had to get the hose pipe out last night. Very cloudy here today, not sunny but no rain, patches of blue sky so hopefully some sunshine later on. Hope it picks up for you soon. - Barbara (Oliveoil)
27 Jul, 2011
I suppose it depends on which side of the humber bridge you are.This is actually classed as N.E. LIncs. now but we have had days when it has been torential rain.One of my friends has often said " what about that awful weather the other night" and we had not had it and visa versa.She only lives 15 min. walk away.But today Olive we have seen the sun!
27 Jul, 2011
We too have sun Rose, lovely day. Hope it stays good for weekend.
28 Jul, 2011
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I have no roses in flower at the moment Oliveoil, so very pleased to get my fix from you! :-))
19 Jul, 2011