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rescued seat

rescued seat

neighbor was tossing this, but I saved it. Took it apart, sanded off the rust, spray painted, put new wood everywhere and added the whimsy. The cats love it for a nap, thus the name.

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Thats fun, do the cats allow you to sit in it?

21 Jul, 2011


They pinch all the best seats don't they...Good job there Rusty, good to your neighbour wishes he hadn't tossed it

22 Jul, 2011


How is it they always get there first?

22 Jul, 2011


cats can read your mind, how else do they know which way you are going, and get under your feet so as to cause a fall- or get into your favortie chair just before you sit?

the ladies aren't always in it, sometimes I get to sit there too. the extra length of boards to the left are my 'table' to put things on and still have a place to sit.

The neighbor just looked when she saw what I had done. She did say nice job. Guess she isn't so 'handy'. I hate to see anything go in the trash stream unless it absolutely has to. As my next door neighbor said, when it's in your trash, it's useless. LOL! just so.

22 Jul, 2011


They say "One man's rubbish is another man's Gold" lol

23 Jul, 2011


here we say one man's trash is another man's treasure!

Anything that can be safed from the trash stream and made new to be reused is what I like to do.

I had several pots that I was tired of and passed them along to my aunt. She thought they were wonderful. You know they were whimsy-ish and different from the usual.

With Blue walking I get to pass by a lot of sidewalk trash. There are often things that are put to the curb that I later drive back and rescue.

Once saw a hand painted plastic flower tub, painted fish of all things, on sale at a produce market for $70 US. I thought way too much, and I can paint fish myself. Next day I found the same size plastic pot in a trash bin. Took it home, washed it off, dried it and painted guppies on it. Used a small painting that Dan had sent me from one of his trips. Cost me nothing and I still have it. I shall have to find it and take a pix.

23 Jul, 2011


One of the other GOY members found three Planter Pots waiting for the trash lorry I think it was last week, and rescued them...:o)))

4 Aug, 2011

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