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Mid-Winter Downunder - dwarf Euphorbia pulcherrima


By Bernieh

Mid-Winter Downunder - dwarf Euphorbia pulcherrima (Euphorbia pulcherrima (Poinsettia))

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We only see these at Christmas.

23 Jul, 2011


They grow outdoors for us, Lindalooloo, and show their terrific display of bracts and flowers during our winter. The old red flowering Poinsettias are often see as shrubs in gardens here.

23 Jul, 2011


Saw them as shrubs and hedges, when I holiday'd in Hawai'i a few years back.
I was amazed, as here we only have them over the Christmas period, as 'Christmas house plants'.
We have to be careful with them, as they can be tempremental. They don't like the draft, and if they feel a draft they will just wilt, turn discoloured and die.

23 Jul, 2011


It's amazing to me that they can be so pernickety there. Over here they're outdoors and suffer the heat, humidity, torrential downpours and very strong sunlight without missing a beat.

The only thing they don't like is drought. I lost my two huge red shrubs to the drought a few years back. Lol, like a few other plants.

23 Jul, 2011


We also have to be careful when watering, not to touch the bracts.
If you break a leaf, you have to try and stop the sap, otherwise that will make it poorly.
They are very pernickety.

27 Jul, 2011

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This photo is of "Euphorbia pulcherrima - Poinsettia" in Bernieh's garden

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