Quince fruit
By Resi

30 Jul, 2011
Comments on this photo
you are absolute right, thanks for that Troddles, never too old to learn
we planted them as cognassiers in our wild hedge as they do well growing wild here and i googled the translation as i didnt know the tree.
it came up with quince....thats the allknowing google for you
apparently you eat them when rotten, they taste like baked apples!!
if Jesse doesnt have them first i will definitely give them a try this year
traditionnally around here people plant a medlar oneach of the 4 corners of their land so that if they have a bush fire they will still be able to trace out their boundaries as apparently medlars dont get killed in a fire, so we planted one in each corner too
3 Aug, 2011
I've learnt something as well today Resi! You see medlar all over the place and now I know why! Another fruit that you eat when its rotten is persimmons (sharon) and you see that all over as well, pretty tasteless though.
3 Aug, 2011
if you didnt know any better you would never guess that the food in France is so good, frogs legs, snails and rotten fruit LOL
3 Aug, 2011
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That looks more like medlar fruit Resi.
3 Aug, 2011