Clematis 'Mary Rose'
By Karensusan63

31 Jul, 2011
This is similar to 'Purpurea Plena Elegans in shape and habit, but has a much more dusky violet colour. Partnering Cornus Controversa, which is is really complimenting well. Very dainty grower with lots of flowers and few leaves, so it doesn't overwhelm it's partner with foliage.
Comments on this photo
Awesome - looks very striking !
31 Jul, 2011
Love the colour
31 Jul, 2011
As I have Cornus controversa, maybe I should get Mary Rose then Karen.
31 Jul, 2011
A very striking colour.....
31 Jul, 2011
Ooh, I do like the look of this one Karen. Straight to my favourites (which is another name for 'shopping list' . . lol!). ;-))
31 Jul, 2011
Magnificant Karen :o))
1 Aug, 2011
lol Muddy...just like me...nothing stays on my 'wishlist' for long!!
Dawn, definitely YES!! It does make a lovely partner for the Cornus! I'll tell you what else would.. my new Viticella 'Confetti' which is pinker and more bell-shaped flower, but a very light and airy habit, like this one.
1 Aug, 2011
Hi Karen, I have two small clematis in 9cm pots, and just wondered what would be the best way to grow them on, would you put them straight in the garden? Hope you dont mind me asking? :^)
1 Aug, 2011
Of course I don't mind you asking Daylily!! Do you mind me asking what clematis they are...what type...because some are really vigorous and strong and I would plant them in the ground with some chicken wire around the base to stop them being accidentally damaged...others, like the floridas, are a bit more delicate and I would plant them in to really deep pots, long tom style, and grow them on in a sheltered spot for another year....but be careful they don't dry out at all. Hope that helps....and give them a good feed too.
2 Aug, 2011
Hi Karen, thankyou, they are Warsaw Nike and the President, free from GW magazine, I am really quite new to growing these apart from one in a pot which was growing well but did rubbish this year, had about 5 years. Have left them in their little pots and getting worried i will lose them
2 Aug, 2011
Yes, I would pot them in to tall pots root-trainers so the roots can really grow. Their roots are very big, with a good moisture retaining compost and some slow release fertilizer, and let those roots get established before planting them out next year. The trouble with planting out little babies is they often get damaged either by me, accidentally, or by slugs, snails and earwigs which find them to be delicious! The other problem with babies is the roots can dry out because they are near the top of the soil. They do hate to be dry.
2 Aug, 2011
Thanks very much Karensusan, :^)
2 Aug, 2011
My pleasure Daylily. The plants you get from GW offers are so tiny aren't they. I don't think I shall bother again. The buddleja Buzz they sent were miniscule. It costs you more to pot them on and look after them than if you had just bought a full size terms of time and attention and effort I mean.
2 Aug, 2011
Yes Karen, know what you mean, I have stuff from Parkers aswell, although on offer, and they are tiny as you say :^)
2 Aug, 2011
Yes, I have vowed to buy nothing more from those seed companies (except seed!). Their plants are always disappointing and over-priced.
2 Aug, 2011
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Love it, love it, covet it....!
31 Jul, 2011