Hosta 'June'
By Karensusan63

3 Aug, 2011
Comments on this photo
Well, grown in a pot, on gravel, so they have a few obstacles. There are some though, and I did eventually resort to pellets!
3 Aug, 2011
I found that the slugs and snails loved this Hosta Karen....I have 3, moved 1 into a pot with some grit, another with pellets and another left as it was. The only one which made any improvement was the 1 with the pellets!
3 Aug, 2011
Useful info Scottish, thank you! :))
3 Aug, 2011
I don't often carry out experiments in the garden for fear of loosing things, but I didn't mind on these as I know they will come back next year:)
3 Aug, 2011
This is a beauty karen...:>)
3 Aug, 2011
This is a lovely small hosta, I am very taken with it....
3 Aug, 2011
I think it gets quite big in time DD...not sure....Scottish?
4 Aug, 2011
Looks lovely compared to my hostas Karensusan. I'm going to try vaseline round the top of the pots next year - have heard this idea from several different sources recently.
4 Aug, 2011
Sounds a good idea that one!
4 Aug, 2011
Yes, it is classed as a mid size so will get up to around 60cm. It is listed on another site as upto 1m.
I've heard that tip to re the vaseline too, didn't have any spare tubs to try this out thought. Will keep in mind for next year too.
4 Aug, 2011
Sounds like you are like me then when it comes to shopping Scottish...."go and buy another tub of vaseline?...yawn, nah, don't think I'll bother"...;)) Think I'll need to get a bigger pot for June then! :)
5 Aug, 2011
My snails aren't bothered by chuckies - I have them in the greenhouse and the floor is covered with them!!!
5 Aug, 2011
Ugh! My greenhouse is just covered with earwigs....ugh!
5 Aug, 2011
Love all Hostas Karen...lovely Plants...
5 Aug, 2011
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Featured on: hosta plants
This photo is of "Hosta 'June'" in Karensusan63's garden
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Wot no snail holes! lol
3 Aug, 2011