treefern and pampas grass last autumn
By Ellieginge

3 Aug, 2011
Tree fern is yet to have any ferns this year but I can feel 2 coming up slowly and they are green when scratched.
Comments on this photo
every day I water it Feed every few days and give it a few words of encouragement!
4 Aug, 2011
Thought so!!!!
4 Aug, 2011
Had my tree fern for 11 years,after 2009 winter it suffered badly making just two small fronds in Aug 2010 but i am afraaid this year it is dead even though it was wraped in layers of fleece and straw throught out last was a similar size to yours.will see what this winter brings before considering a replacement.hope you have better luck.
7 Aug, 2011
ferns are still tucked into crown,three there now but very small.But at least there is signs of life.This winter as well as all the usual wrapping I am going to put a bowl on top to stop the crown and new ferns getting frozen wet and rotting off.Hope for a great plant next year.I got 2 great treefern trunks from Vale exotics (online)they were £40 each for 2ft trunk plus £12each for next day delivery.They each had 12ferns in the crowns.I still love the old one though it was my first.
8 Aug, 2011
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How many times a day do you check :)
3 Aug, 2011