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Geranium 'braveheart'


By Motinot

Geranium 'braveheart'

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Lovely Moti. :-)

4 Aug, 2011


Newly planted last Autumn Muddy....Brilliant colour isn't it?....I also bought 'black beauty'....Its my fav now..Still looking for G x Oxonianum, 'katherine adele'...Unable to find it for sale, even on-line.....

4 Aug, 2011


If you don't mind waiting Moti, I could try saving some seed for you or dividing it in the Autumn or Spring.
Otherwise :-


4 Aug, 2011


Muddy...I just read over the comment i wrote you, to see if i sound like im on the 'scrounge'...Thats exactly how i, you are very kind, I looked at the wonderful site.. 'plants for shade'....£4.50 for the plant, which is great and £7.50 for the postage....isn't that expensive?....I dont know what to do....Im tempted though.....How difficult are they from seed?

4 Aug, 2011


This is how I got my plant :-
I visited a nurseryman to buy 5 Clematis and remarked how nice his garden looked through the fence. 'Come and have a look at this new Nepeta I got from one of my customers' he said, ushering me through the gate. About 30 minutes later, on the way back to the nursery, I stopped and asked what that mottled leaf Geranium was? 'That's Katherine Adele - easy from seed and even easier just to break a bit off the edge' he said, bending down and pulling a piece off, 'Here you are, take that home and put it straight in the garden'.
In the nursery greenhouse he showed me where he was germinating Clematis seed in sandwich bags, from internet contacts around the world. He pointed to four 3 inch seedlings he'd just potted up, 'They're Clematis 'Viorna' from Alabama - take one home and give it a try'. . . 'Oh, and I've got 2 unknown cross Geranium 'Syabru' seedlings here, no idea what they're like, they haven't flowered yet - take one of those as well - you never know?'
He also took my email address and got the 'Nepeta' customer to dig me a piece up from their garden and leave it at the nursery gate for me with my name on it!

I bought my 5 Clematis, but I always smile to myself in the garden when I look at my 'Give 'em a try' plants!
So Moti, if I can pass a piece of that generosity on to you, my smile will be even broader. ;-)))

4 Aug, 2011


Oh dear, that was a bit of a ramble wasn't it? . . . lol! :-)

4 Aug, 2011


Ah Muddy...You are such a nice man and i loved that story....How kind is that nurseryman?...I'll bet those plants are extremely precious to you..
I shall send you a PM...Ok?

4 Aug, 2011


It wasn't a ramble, Muddy....It was a great story about someone who seems to be at peace with the world....:>)

4 Aug, 2011


(More of a blog than a comment . . lol! A PM will be fine). :-)

4 Aug, 2011

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