Dahlia... from a packet of seed....
By Motinot
- 6 Aug, 2011
Comments on this photo
Its the only yellow i have...I think..lol
6 Aug, 2011
Lemons/Yellows are really fresh looking...brightens up a border no end...I love my Dahlias, wouldn't feel complete if the Garden didn't have them...:o))
7 Aug, 2011
Nor would i...I just love getting them started in boxes in Spring and taking cuttings...:>)
7 Aug, 2011
You take yours up then to over winter...I leave mine and cover well...
7 Aug, 2011
Year before last i lost them ALL...About 50 large tubers..... :<(....Last year i was afraid to leave them so i lifted them....wish i knew what sort of a Winter we are going to have...:>)
7 Aug, 2011
Oh for a Crystal ball...That is a lot to lose...I haven't lost any, but I suppose that's luck as well...
7 Aug, 2011
I didnt mulch them that first bad Winter because they had always been ok.....
7 Aug, 2011
Shame...I want to move my Red Cactus Dahlias end of season...I would like to start a Hot Bed, but I've got to find the room first...:o))) I don't know the name of it, as I bought a pkt of Tubers for 1 euro in the GC and there were five different colours, and they all came true...
8 Aug, 2011
I often see the bags of tubers, ...They're great value aren't they?....I love the Colerettes and i have to buy those individually...Waterlily types are lovely too....If you lift the red ones at the season's end, you'll have to store them..wont you?
8 Aug, 2011
Yes I think so...but I could pot them up and keep them in...they won't come to any harm...I had a look this morning and the Red and orange ones are so full of new buds...They're really good value, and there were lots of different types...It's just finding room...:o)) what's new..
8 Aug, 2011
Yes if you can manage some space Crissue, they'd be ok.....
8 Aug, 2011
9 Aug, 2011
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This is lovely...Lemony...:o))
6 Aug, 2011