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Begonia Angel Wing - Angel Wing Begonia

Begonia Angel Wing - Angel Wing Begonia  (Begonia Angel Wing - Angel Wing Begonia)

This shrubby type of Angel Wing begonia can grow to be more than 8ft/2.5m tall in the ground. Photo taken August 8, 2011 during the evening.

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It looks amazing Palmate :o)))

9 Aug, 2011



Thanks! It seems to like this's been in this same spot for more than 7 years.

9 Aug, 2011


I bought this last month and it just dropped all its leaves.
Any ideas why???

9 Aug, 2011


Yes, I saw your posted pics of your Angel Wing Begonia.

Did you put it into direct sunlight? Is it getting enough water? These are possible reasons why it can loose it's leaves...or maybe it just didn't adapt well to your outside conditions -- maybe it's too hot?. It should, however, leaf out again.

10 Aug, 2011


The one I posted is doing really well, new shoots from the bottom and loads of more flowers.

I bought a pink one....that's the one that lost it's leaves. I have it in semi-shade and I'm treating it like all my other Begonia's....I hope it survives.

11 Aug, 2011


This looks a stunning plant. :o)

11 Aug, 2011



Begonias are pretty tough. It should come back, especially it it receives a lot of water.

12 Aug, 2011



Thanks! :>)

12 Aug, 2011


I have that..and its been propagated into more. I think its "Edith" something. I have it right on my Dave's Garden list of plants I grow and posted photos of..bayareatropics.
I can mention DG without breaking the law here I hope!

20 Sep, 2014


This plant I've propagated several over many years. It's really is a good bloomer...and can get very large in the ground.

25 Sep, 2014

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This photo is of species Begonia Angel Wing - Angel Wing Begonia.

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