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Bulbs & Plants


By Clarice

Bulbs & Plants

Bought these today from Wilko's, there is 170 bulbs and 12 primroses for £11.

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What a bargain... lovely...:)

9 Aug, 2011


I thought it was.

9 Aug, 2011



9 Aug, 2011


Well done :o)

9 Aug, 2011


Someone's going to be busy then:)

9 Aug, 2011


great bargain! :)

9 Aug, 2011


Beautiful varieties you ve chosen there Clarice.

9 Aug, 2011


Great value. Good luck with all that planting.

10 Aug, 2011


you got a good lot there clarice.... will have to have a look when i go into town...........

10 Aug, 2011


Holly when you do, check the primroses as there in trays of 6, but some of them are not to good, so i took some of them what where not to good and exchanged them with a good ones so got 12 good plants.

11 Aug, 2011


Jesxs, your mind is already set for next spring. I'm impressed!!!!!

12 Aug, 2011


With the weather as it is here this week its like autumn anyway.

12 Aug, 2011


It IS like autumn here in Norfolk too.

12 Aug, 2011


Sickening is'nt it :((

12 Aug, 2011


Typical English summer? Depressing.

12 Aug, 2011



12 Aug, 2011


What a bargain...I tried our local bulb supplier just this afternnon on line, and they're closed for August...Holidays in France, can't get anything I'm thinking in the right direction at least...:o)))

13 Aug, 2011


Do not know about France but over here September is about right time to put most bulbs in.

14 Aug, 2011


Agree Clarice, was just getting prepared lol...:o)) I don't normally plant bulbs here until October, depends if we have an extended Summer or not...Judging by the Rain we're having, probably not....

14 Aug, 2011


I'm sick of the rain, mind you its been dry yesterday and today as been quite nice.

14 Aug, 2011


Been raining all night, but so far this morning it's sun, but no rain either...hope it holds off I have a couple of jobs I want to do....

15 Aug, 2011


Hi i'm doing nothing, infact going to lay down for abit see you later.

16 Aug, 2011


Been HOT today.....Didn't get back till after 6pm, just having a Sandwich...Will PM you later...

16 Aug, 2011


going to be a great display

22 Aug, 2011


got some bulbs in wilks clarice they have a good choice there. but no primroses.....

28 Aug, 2011


Pleased you got your bulbs, every time i go up town this last couple of weeks i've been buying a pack so my bulbs are getting more & more, only thing is it's alright getting them its planting them, pity about primroses but not seen any in our wlko's since i got these.

28 Aug, 2011


ive also been getting a few more when i go in town... lots to plant out

4 Sep, 2011


Must admit haven't bought any at all..really can't be bothered at the mo...Looking forward to everyones pics tho as and when...:)))

4 Sep, 2011

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