delphiniums from seed
By Sanbaz

14 Aug, 2011
grown these delphiniums this year from carol(art lady) in the 3 size pot now and doing well. quite pleased with myself lol
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thanx crissue, i was a bit nervous about trying as what you say is right, so just need them to get stronger to plant before winter now.
14 Aug, 2011
to be honest homebird when i was given the grow pack i thought, oh no i hate growing seeds lol so left it in garage for two months, then found it with only a few days in which to try seed them, litterary just popped quickly in seed tray and sat on window ledge and so on into bigger pots, maybe cause i didnt care it worked haha
14 Aug, 2011
All seems to have taken dont they.
14 Aug, 2011
You've done well Sandra as they are not the easiest plant to grow from seed.
14 Aug, 2011
I've sown 25 Lupin seeds in little peat bio pots...and 14 have germinated...Might keep these in to over winter they're not as strong as Delphis...
You've done well...Will be good to hear how they do...:o))
14 Aug, 2011
i lost about 3 carol but all the others are just fine fingers crossed :o)
Dawn i was surprised any came through, didnt think they would, just hope they get through winter once planted ;o)
Crissue i tried lupins and i wasnt succesfull so good luck with them, will let you know how mine do next spring :o)
14 Aug, 2011
14 Aug, 2011
I think I set mine out in spring Sandra. You could set half out when ready soon and over winter the others on the garage windowsill and set them once risk of frost has passed next spring.
14 Aug, 2011
I think I would be inclined to do the same...set out in Spring...The Winters are so unpredictable.. you don't want to lose them after all the effort...
I'm in the process of moving mine into the centre I moved about three weeks ago, when we cleared our side border, and it's up and showing a young flower bud...:o)))....obviously likes it where it the others that have finished i've cut back, and moved them too to the same spot...I have two more to move today, if the rain holds off....
15 Aug, 2011
good idea Dawn, may try that, some say better in autumn as ground stays warm for a while after summer but cold in spring after winter, so like you say half and half.
crissue nice having more flowers and should settle in ok at this time and with all the rain to give them a good start.
15 Aug, 2011
I never have much luck with seeds most of mine don't make it .:o((((
15 Aug, 2011
I don't grow that much from seed Mushy, I haven't got the space...but I got fed up with Lupins dying on me...I decided to grow the seeds, if I lose them this time, it's only the cost of the packet.
15 Aug, 2011
aww sorry about that mushy :o((
15 Aug, 2011
dont you just love when seeds do what they suposed to do..well done u..:-)
16 Aug, 2011
yes its all worth it sandra when you see them growing :o)
17 Aug, 2011
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Well done...they can be a bit hit and miss...they look very healthy...
14 Aug, 2011