river mosaic closeup
By Lulu33

15 Aug, 2011
Dichroic blue glass, very bright indeed!
Comments on this photo
It's great glass. needs to be hung out of direct sunlight, then it shines properly. My fave piece at the moment!
15 Aug, 2011
15 Aug, 2011
Very nice - your own work?
15 Aug, 2011
These are lovely colours, Lulu ... :o)))
15 Aug, 2011
I could buy it - reminds me of the reflection in the little stream I saw yesterday in the woods... was trying to picture it, but didn't do a good job I am affraid - it was the 6th hour of my walking, going down the heel - my knees and hands were bit shaky at this time I am affraid, lol
15 Aug, 2011
Where were you walking Kasy, in Wales?
Yes Meanie, all the mosaics are my own work.
It's very different kind of glass Shirley, highly reflective and bright. This is not a piece to put on a sunny wall, def not! It could go on a wall with no direct light and it would shine out!
15 Aug, 2011
yes Lulu - in Wales. there is so many walk paths around the place I live. Yesterday I just crossed the road - and climbed the hill I see from my back garden. There is a Holy Well on the path I took, and so many beautifull things to see and take a picture of course. Was practising manual settings on my camera as well. And what's more important - have climbed on the top of that hill and finally was able to see what's on the other side of that hill, lol. Have been waiting for that day for months, lol. My body is bit aching now but going for another walk today - alongside the canal:)
15 Aug, 2011
That is so beautiful, it looks just like water
15 Aug, 2011
thank you Annella, everyone likes this one! It was a bit of a daring piece! Run out of blue glass now!!
15 Aug, 2011
Do you have a show room in Gloucester Lulu or sell in an art gallery ?
15 Aug, 2011
Am thinking, after the Dec exhibit, to lend them to a gallery. Usually I sell word of mouth!
15 Aug, 2011
15 Aug, 2011
Thank you Paul :0)
15 Aug, 2011
Gorgeous colour!
15 Aug, 2011
Good idea Lulu...the wider public will get to see your beautiful work....
16 Aug, 2011
Thankyou Cissue & Sheilar. They do take a huge percentage, means I have to put the prices up :(
16 Aug, 2011
That sounds like a good idea Lulu , you could finish up with more work than you can handle :o))
16 Aug, 2011
I will have to do a count of how many I have, about 40 is my guess. Still need at least another 20 for December!
17 Aug, 2011
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