Mid August 2011 009
By Bjs

17 Aug, 2011
Pretty Canna ,but not really my thing.have to think who I can palm it off on to when it finishes flowering
Comments on this photo
Although I'm not a canna fan at all, have to agree with you, Motinot :)
17 Aug, 2011
Dont think toooo hard Bjs, unless Valadel keen..
18 Aug, 2011
Fight you for it Tet. ! !
18 Aug, 2011
Its big enough to put a spade down the middle,which if it keeps your claws out of one each other I may well do.
18 Aug, 2011
Pity to spoil it Brian, if Val would like it I will withdraw from the fray lol! My claws stay safely sheathed..well my nails split for a pastime, and I wouldnt stand a chance against Alfie and Dolly, let alone Val!!!
18 Aug, 2011
No, no ,no Tet I was only kidding I seriously have not the room for it, beautiful as it is.
I had a pow wow with Alf and Dolly and they said that it would flourish much better in your garden, so there the owners of Valsacres have spoken ! lol
18 Aug, 2011
What a douce friend thou art, and what benign and worshipful landowners you live with...reading about Chaucer's england at present..does it show?? Shall we leave it to the big white chief to decide what he wishes to do with it?
He probly wonders where the heck Im going to put it anyway..another candidate for the conservatory I wish I had..what with Meanie's Datura, the non hardy and delicious Pennisetum grass I bought, BA's rose scented geranium which Ive managed to keep alive so far and a neighbours kind gift of a Japan Rose (no idea what it is!), I dont know how I shall get em all in the greenhouse with all the seeds I will be sowing!!
18 Aug, 2011
Have you any idea how large it is ,I think the best thing is to hopefully keep it through the winter in my basement ( as I did last year )then split it up early spring.Tet it would fill your glass house on its own.
will take a Pic of jamie sat in front of it to give an idea.and its only two years old.
18 Aug, 2011
thats a difficult one this just grows by the day I bought it in spring 2010 from Home base for the variegated leaves
it was in max 2 litre pot and I remember I Tipped it straight out of its pot and put in a larger one because roots were coming out the bottom, the compost would have been about 60-20-10 Peat based compost John innes & course grit and would have added slow release fertilizer granules.
this spring I re potted useing fertilizer again.
It is in full sun as they are of course warm climate plants.it drinks about 5 litres of water most days,not much else I can tell you.I get the impression if let loose it could take over the garden thats why I am going to split it and give it to Val & Margo (Tet) lol
Dont think this will be much help but i tried
19 Aug, 2011
Thats what probly happened to mine too, Homebird!
19 Aug, 2011
Gorgeous Acer....pretty colour Canna...
27 Aug, 2011
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Its really nice against the Acer Bjs...:>)
17 Aug, 2011