By Nana_d

22 Aug, 2011
Woke up this morning to see my first Canna bloom:)
Comments on this photo
Don't you love waking up to nice "gifts" like that?
22 Aug, 2011
Thanks Lil definitely do:)
22 Aug, 2011
Great series of shots.
22 Aug, 2011
It looks the same as one of mine Nana-d, Lovely dark red leave's, Im still waiting for my other 2 to flower, a red and a yellow, flipping gorgeous..
22 Aug, 2011
Thanks Oldgunner, and YDD tempted to buy another one next year they are lovely:)
22 Aug, 2011
See how this one overwinters then go for it :) What have you planted with it?
22 Aug, 2011
Hi YDD, Just on it's own in a big blue pot, gonna have to put it somewhere sheltered in the winter and mulch it and even maybe put a fleece over it what do you do with yours over the winter??
22 Aug, 2011
gorgeous it...:))
23 Aug, 2011
me too!
23 Aug, 2011
Thanks Crissue and Lulu it has been raining all night by the look of things this morning and I am so glad I took a picture first thing yesterday cos it is looking very sad and soggy this morning:(
23 Aug, 2011
Ooooh sounds gorgeous, the blue pot :) I dont overwinter them Nana d :( gave up trying, thats why i dont buy if there not on some sort of offer, too expensive to treat as an annual. I hope you have better luck than me :)
23 Aug, 2011
I'll give it a go this winter mine was half price at homebase it think so if it doesn't survive I will do the same as you and look for a bargain again:)
23 Aug, 2011
At our previous house, we had some corkers, and they multiplied every year... they really looked good...Never did anything except cut them back and lay their own stems and leaves over the top...Then one year nothing....lost the lot...I was shocked...haven't had them since...but we have downsized since then...just thought I'd share that little one with you...:)))
24 Aug, 2011
I would of been gutted Crissue, they are lovely plants, big and showy but, lets face it, they dont belong up here in the NE of England, poor things :)))
If i have room in my Greenhouse Nana d i might give them a go, use more fleece,straw this time..
24 Aug, 2011
Hi Crissue, that is a sad story especially when they were doing so well:( Hi YDD definitely going to give it a go and if I am unsuccessful will look around for when the bargains are about and get another one because they look sooooooooo lovely:)
24 Aug, 2011
I sure was Ydd...never mind it happens...even in France...
Just protect it all you can...keep it well covered, and fingers x'd you'll be showing another gorgeous pic...:)))
24 Aug, 2011
I grew them from seed 3 year ago and they flowered the same year,but weren't as big as bought one's, still lovely tho :) lost those as well lol..
24 Aug, 2011
aww :(((
25 Aug, 2011
a beauty for sure
22 Aug, 2011