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yesterday's job 1

yesterday's job 1

really bad area of lawn scarified, mowed (twice), top-dressed and seeded.....there's always hope!

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Oh dear, don't like the look of that Karen. I think mine could do with something doing to it, there's more clover than grass in places.

23 Aug, 2011


Well, at least clover is green! Coarse grass just goes will be fine Cinders...I am confident!! ;))

23 Aug, 2011


Thats good then. Actually I don't mind the clover really.

23 Aug, 2011


Good for you...the bees love it! :)

23 Aug, 2011


It WILL be fine!!! I have spent weeks doing the same and watering which hurts as I am on a meter. The wild grass just never seems to want to give up though and I am giving in to the Clover :0)) I will puruse the rest of your pics at work tomoz hun x

23 Aug, 2011


:) Thanks Annie x

24 Aug, 2011


Has the grass started to grow yet Karen? It should have by now. Hope so. x

30 Aug, 2011


Good luck with it Karen...

30 Aug, 2011


Yes, it's growing! New seed has germinated!

30 Aug, 2011


My front lawn (under the large light which I want removed) has fallen victim to grubs...they killed off the sod...and then the raccoons came and turned the dead dry sod over to eat the grubs...and now it's dead and I'm not going to waste precious water to seed another patch of grass! hate the pernicious weed with a passion. So now I have all this wasted looking area and I want to seed a meadow..there are lots of lovely little wildflowers that have not fallen to the I sit looking at your lovely garden and your careful patience...and I wish you could come and do mine for me! lol... jk... ; - ))

30 Aug, 2011


Oh Lori, you are so right! Go for the wildflowers! If I lived where you are I would consider a lawn to be almost impossible, after all, you live in proper countryside!! Meadow is so much more appropriate (and colourful). A lawn is such a 'false' thing isn't unnatural!

31 Aug, 2011


A perfect lawn is a very pretty thing to behold...but It's Just Not Natural! My main problem with lawns stems from the common usage of chemicals to produce a perfect lawn rather than the knowledge and diligence of the sod specialist. Lawns (done right) are so much work! That's why I applaud your efforts (and success). Guess I sounded a little militant. I have so many things growing which are green and don't require a lot of care...I just keep it cut and nobody knows the difference from a distance. Clover makes a great lawn, btw. Dark green, lush and it produces it's own nitrogen.

1 Sep, 2011


Yes, I am cultivating a couple of patches of clover Lori! It stays green all year round, and the bees love it!!

1 Sep, 2011


Oh yes..feed those bees! clover honey is the best!

2 Sep, 2011


mmm....I like Manuka!

2 Sep, 2011

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