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Hollyhock Alcea Rosa Salmon Queen


By Drc726

Hollyhock Alcea Rosa Salmon Queen (Hollyhock Alcea Rosa)

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You've just reminded me, I've got a pack of hollyhock seeds somewhere in the shed which I never got round to planting. I think they're the double-petal type. Bit late for this year now. lol

5 Sep, 2011


Hmmmmn.... that's a lovely colour, but I wouldn't call it salmon! I love hollyhocks, I've got some lovely black ones just coming into bloom. (I've also got a nice bit of rust unfortunately.) lol

5 Sep, 2011


Thanks Sheilar, I have grown this from seed and its taken 2 years to get it to flower. I have sown a black one but so far its not flowered PL. I have an old variety with very bad rust and I have learnt to live with it as the flowers are lovely and prolific on it.

5 Sep, 2011


I've grown these before in the past and I think all types are prone to rust on the leaves. When you take a photo, just remember NOT to get the leaves in the pic.! lol

5 Sep, 2011


The new varieties the rust is much less Sheilar, the ones I have grown in the last 2 years hardly any at all. But the older ones its very bad.

5 Sep, 2011


Love this colour!

5 Sep, 2011


Me to M

5 Sep, 2011


Love it! :)

5 Sep, 2011


beautiful :)

6 Sep, 2011


Thanks P and K

6 Sep, 2011


They're all beautiful, Drc... and all but finished here...drooping all over the pavements...

6 Sep, 2011


Thanks Bloomer this one is very late.

6 Sep, 2011

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This photo is of species Hollyhock Alcea Rosa.

This photo is of "Hollyhock Alcea Rosa Salmon Queen" in Drc726's garden

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