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" Marble's " The Alley Cat...

" Marble's "  The Alley Cat...

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What a pretty cat!! How does he/she manage to stay on such a narrow ledge?

6 Sep, 2011


Have you never owned a cat, Sheilar, lol? They cope with narrow surfaces really easily, they're nowt but fur and muscle, very agile.
Fab little cat, love it.

6 Sep, 2011


She was abandoned because she had fleas. I took her in on Bonfire night and.............She is a Diva.

6 Sep, 2011


Bamboo - I've never had a cat but a boyfriend of mine(now my hubby) had a ginger cat which used to sleep over a mat on the washing line!!!

Pimpernel - why would someone abandon a cat because it had fleas??? - she's gorgeous

6 Sep, 2011


I nearly said they'd balance on a razor blade, Sheilar! Ive always had cats up till recently in my life, really would like another 2 but can't have them here, I'm on the third floor. And sadly, people abandon animals for all sorts of spurious reasons - but its always about avoidance of responsibility underneath.

6 Sep, 2011


My parents took in a cross black labrador bitch which someone had dumped in our street because she was pregnant! She went on to have 12 pups and was an amazing, faithful dog. I felt she was ever grateful because our family had taken her in but she never got out of the habit of 'hiding' food she couldn't manage to eat!

6 Sep, 2011


Lol..Even my Mother says I was brought up by Jill . The best Golden Lab ( Mum ) ever.

6 Sep, 2011


Notice the white tip at the very end of her tail ? I used to imagine she was dipping it in oils and painting pictures. My friend said " Graffiti " and the penny dropped, I still expect to see " Marble's Woz Ere "

9 Sep, 2011


I think she's great - distinct patches of black and ginger on the white, surprised you didn't call her patch. Plenty of character by the look of her...

10 Sep, 2011


Bamboo, The game of Marble's is known as "Alley's" here.

12 Sep, 2011


Coo, I dunno, you foreigners;-))) I don't think anyone plays marbles any more, do they? I have loads here for decorative purposes, love 'em..

12 Sep, 2011


Lovely! I love cats too :-) We have two, mother and daughter. It happened that the man living in front of the street owned the mother but he dropped her out at the beginning of the winter. She was pregnant, so I started to feed her when she came to visit us. By that time we went for a 5 days holiday and I was so worried about the cat, I left a box outside under a table and put an old towel in it. When we came back there was the mother with 4 beautiful kittens!!! So we adopted the mother and one of the kittens, and the other three were adopted in good homes too. Well... in November will be 7 years since then! I'll soon upload some photos of my cats :-)

17 Sep, 2011


Very striking looking cat and so pleased you took her in, bless her, it does not cost that much to deal with a flea problem, some folks make me so angry!!!!

10 Nov, 2011


Pretty markings :o)

10 Nov, 2011

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