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Grass at Dusk

Grass at Dusk

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Now, Lil...with all these new 'skies''re making things very difficult for the calendar....!!! :)))))

7 Sep, 2011


lovely LIl - grasses are fab

7 Sep, 2011


Thank you both!
You'll just have to take more insect shots then :)

7 Sep, 2011


And double the calendar year!!
No, I have a cunning plan......

7 Sep, 2011


Dying to hear it.....

7 Sep, 2011


Morning, noon and night pictures!....on the same page! Simples!
(sorry! Lil, that's a TV ad involving meercats who speak with a Russian accent.....which won't be funny to you, cos you probably won't have seen them and actually I shouldn't have even mentioned it.....) But they are funny and I couldn't help it!

7 Sep, 2011


No problemo. Good idea though. Have you gotten us a contract yet?? Will check back later, leaving for a bit.

7 Sep, 2011


Perhaps we need a worthy cause...

8 Sep, 2011


Worthy I fit that bill right now!

8 Sep, 2011


Hmm...that probably counts for me

I wonder if I might be able to enveigle some business interest...

...and don't come back and tell me I spelled that wrongly! :)

8 Sep, 2011


Had to look up the word, never mind correcting your spelling :):)

9 Sep, 2011


Lol! Join a garden club and expand your vocabulary! We're practically writing a thesaurus on your morning glories pic!! :))

9 Sep, 2011

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