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big onia

big onia

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Lol... love the vivid red :)

7 Sep, 2011


Thanks for the comments Franny. This was from Wilkos, but the only one of four to make it to flowering.

7 Sep, 2011


That is a lovely colour..shame about the other Begonias..I have had a few from there,and they were fine..might have been damaged in some way..

7 Sep, 2011


I've tried them a few times and always there's been one dud, but perhaps its my poor care!

8 Sep, 2011


Just unlucky I guess.but to be honest,the colour of mine weren't the same as on the pack..supposed to be pink ,but turned out red..:o)

8 Sep, 2011


Sounds like my yellow anemone multifida that I waited for all summer and when they eventually flowered they were the common thuggish pink hupehensis that I am trying to get rid of! (That wasn't Wilkos though)

9 Sep, 2011


I really like this photo Steragram, its lovely. The soil in the bed in the background looks very good aswell !!! Not like the sandy stuff in my garden :(

9 Sep, 2011


Its rather fun isn't it? the soil in that bed is quite light actually - just had a much needed dose of rotted manure. It was lawn until a couple of weeks ago so hasn't been cultivated and it remains to be seen how good it is. I have lived with sandy soil in the past and found adding gel crystals to the worst bits when planting made a big difference.

9 Sep, 2011

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