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fuchsia query

fuchsia query

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nice plant. Is it called Query, or do you have a question about it?

25 Jul, 2012


I didn't know what it was called! It has flowers like magellanica but the habit is quite different as you can see.

25 Jul, 2012


lol anything concerning fuschias is so far over my head that I'd need a crane to reach! I just wondered if that was its name

25 Jul, 2012


lol - so do I!

25 Jul, 2012


Did you ever find out the name of this plant, Steragram?

8 Oct, 2013


No, I gave it up as a bad job. It was a surprise though because I thought it was Beacon when I bought it!!

9 Oct, 2013


I can't see the petal colouring very well, but, from what I can make out, between that & the long sepals, there is a similar one called David.

9 Oct, 2013


isn't there a "fuschia expert" website or something similar? one one think there would be, so many people grow this plant - of course, they might not know, either!

find that fuschia

british fuschia society

i put "fuschia identification" in search, there were lots that might be useful

9 Oct, 2013


I'll have a look at Find that Fuchsia but the Brit fuchsia Society don't seem to reply to queries from non members, I've tried them a couple of times before. What did we do before Google??
Thanks Fran.
PS I'm sure replied to this at the time - must have forgotten to press the send button.

18 Oct, 2013


lol what we do now, Steragram - word of mouth! and then phone calls or letters, I suppose.

18 Oct, 2013


or good old reference books!

19 Oct, 2013


lol yes, indeed!!

19 Oct, 2013

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