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Not A Pretty Flower but....


By Crissue

Not A Pretty Flower but....

A great help to me in the wet and the Winter...OH spent quite a bit of time, adding spare Pavers to what was the grass path running alongside of the Chooks yard...and lifting and relaying the Turf, in the defunked side border...

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Well done OH! :)

9 Sep, 2011


lovely pyracantha!!!

9 Sep, 2011


Hi Pix...x Good morning to you...Yes didn't he do well...and I had to do my Cat Walk bit so that my little feet fitted decision now is do we grass seed the bit that's left over at the side, or...shall I use it for something...don't know yet...

Hi Paul, Yes that Pyracantha is a cracker...and is the only Shrub left on that Wall...we want to paint that side wall next year, so needed to empty the border...have a lovely Chrysanthimum growing at this end, just like a bush, and it's just coming into deep rustic red flowers, will post a pic when they open...

9 Sep, 2011


Mrornin SUe!
lol strut my lil' tush on the catwalk eh? lol can jsut imagine you! Its great myabe a red sunflower would go well there???????

9 Sep, 2011


You never

9 Sep, 2011


Morning Crissue....OH was busy...If it were mine i would attach a lid of perspex type stuff to the wall with hinges and store plants in there to keep the worst of the Winter weather off....and pave it all....Like a 'holding bay'...:>)

9 Sep, 2011


Thanks Ladies...that's a good idea Moti...will think on that....I was going to use the Porch, been talking it over with OH its covered...

Meadowland I couldn't do without OH help...he takes all my plans and ideas in his stride, even if does look skyward at times lol...and I will pass on your congrats...many thanks again...:)))

9 Sep, 2011


Know it well...Us gardeners have an identical

9 Sep, 2011


Thanks Homebird and everyone....
It sure looks good against the white wall...and full of Berries, for the Birds....:))) The path is going to make such a difference, nothing worse than walking in wet grass, especially in flip flops..:)))

Moti we're going to use that section to grow our Onions..OH wants to paint that wall next year so needs it clear...your good idea is on hold till that jobs done...:))

The a favourite of OH and it's a small flower very Rustic looking, they are just beginning to open now...Forms a nice bush by the Fence that end...

11 Sep, 2011


Hi Sue,

MOMMA like! Please pass along job well done to C, and ask if he's any plans for heading this way! He could take along your tin of treats if he plans it correctly.AND get to see the collection in the flesh so to speak! and of course, taste test everything - twice!

Much done for tomorrow's party and some things to finish today. Hubs arriving about 5 PM, so that makes supper a questionable thing. maybe a trip past the fast food place and something for Bogie too! He's fond of the angus burger at McDonald's.

Hard to say what I would put there, but knowing my taste for purple things... a purple sedum and some of those persian shields. That way most of it is gone by winter and no need to deal with covering it.

But, then that is your home, not mine. Long as it gets enough sun I am certain it will bloom in happiness.

16 Sep, 2011


:)))) Thanks I...I let him read it PM you...x

16 Sep, 2011

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