Nandina 'Heavenly Bamboo'....
By Crissue

10 Sep, 2011
Moved from the side boder when the new front garden was created...Thought you would like to see how well it's settled in, and the new Autumn colours beginning to show...
Comments on this photo
It has Sylvia...I am pleased, I was a bit worried just in case it didn't take to the move...but all's well...
How is yours faring, has it recovered yet...!
10 Sep, 2011
Sue I have a feeling you might be mixing me up with someone else as I don't have this plant
10 Sep, 2011
Sorry....It's been a long week...someone will recognise it I expect....:)))
10 Sep, 2011
Looking great Sue! :)
10 Sep, 2011
This is a lovely specimen Crissue....Mine died last Winter...I thought they were very hardy...:<(
11 Sep, 2011
I just checked the hardiness again're right it is...Maybe a combination of things killed yours; sadly it does happen....I did read also they they can send up suckers, haven't seen any on this one so far since I've had it...but will pot them on if I do...more plants for free...:)))....
Earlier in the Summer it flowered for the first time; I posted a pic, the most gorgeous tiny flowers..and scented...and when Winter arrives, its colours will change again, and Berries will appear...what a bonus....
Glad you all like it...thanks...
11 Sep, 2011
That's good...glad yours is ok...we also moved ours in July...naughty...but shes' in a fairly shady spot...and grown so much since flowering...
11 Sep, 2011
I have one and love these plants.
They perform far better when pruned very hard back, i was too reticent about doing it at first but since being brutal with it it's flourished.
11 Sep, 2011
Hi Louise, thanks for that I haven't pruned mine at all...When do you do yours !!
I would probably be inclined to leave well alone while it's doing so well...but its good to have that info...
11 Sep, 2011
I've got Nandina domestica and i prune mine in early spring.
Pruning then makes them not only bigger and stronger but seems to make them colour better too.
11 Sep, 2011
Thanks Louise :)))
13 Sep, 2011
I know it is ok to comment here Sue. Haven't seen this plant before. For a minute i was wondering how this could be a bamboo.......but it is not a bamboo though it is called so... looked it up as usual...It is very attractive and what have you used as a backdrop? Very original...but my usual curiousity made me check on whether it is herbal or edible and what do you know...this too is poisonous. Many of the plants we have in our gardens are poisonous but, they all have herbal values unknown to us. If not for us, at least for the animals. But, many flowers are edible. The shape of the leaves of this are somewhat like the Sepalika or the Night Jasmine a - a very fragrant and pretty flower that blooms in the night.
Hope you will give us another picture when the leaves turn red like it says here. It also says before the leaves die off and fall they turn purple or red politicians...of course.....
18 Sep, 2011
That is a very pretty plant, I have heard of them but don't believe they grow here. Does it get very big?
18 Sep, 2011
Hi Vav...Thanks...It is a lovely shrub, and I think has very calming qualities about it...This is what I found....
.... Nandina is a very popular plant in Japanese gardens due to its leaf texture and color. In the Japanese home garden this plant will often be found near the front or back door, as it is considered the 'friendship plant'. Legend says that a Nandina beside the front door serves to listen to the worries of the head of the household. So if you don't mind speaking to plants....:)))
It is also an nothing bare in Winter...Will post another pic when the leaves change again...also hopefully when it deveops berries, which I haven't seen on this one yet....
Hi Rk...I'm glad you like it too...It grows to about 6ft...and I do think it's available on US Garden Websites if you are interested...It does tolerate some may suit you...
18 Sep, 2011
Thanks for the info. Japanese people always know to pick on the right plants. What a lot of things they do with the real bamboo. They even drink the leaves as tea.........about talking to plants Sue....since i am alone most of the time, I talk to everything in the house and outside the house too... one more plant to converse with....that is if i can get hold of this heavenly one. The name nandina does not sound Japanese at all though...sounds more like Indian...anyhow Good Luck with the heavenly one Sue. You also bring peace to one's mind with your garden magic.
18 Sep, 2011
Love these - they are excellent - must get one for back aswell as front
18 Sep, 2011
Thanks Paul, yes I love them too...:)))
19 Sep, 2011
19 Sep, 2011
Thanks for the info, maybe I will try one but I've heard they're not reliably hardy this far north. Not that it's ever stopped me before.
There's nothing wrong with talking to plants, as long as you don't hear them talking back. Japanese maples like it when you sing to them at night.
19 Sep, 2011
Hi would definitely die a horrible death lol...I hope you find one'll know where to plant it...:)))
Hi Vav...I think we all have a natter to something...I know I do, plants, cats, the TV..and anything else that takes my fancy lol...By the way how are your little Kittens getting on...!!
19 Sep, 2011
In another week, they will be one month old and they will be out breaking every plant possible. No, I don't stop them because they enjoy it. But i do try to put some pots out of the way but do you know they love sleeping inside flower pots. They do not harm plants purposely like you know....But no sooner they are grown up and I think I will get the place in order now, along comes another lot. So, life goes on and thankfully my daghter is there to mop the tiles regularly though they do not do any messing up inside. They always follow the elder ones. Generally they are a disciplined lot and will not break things or jump on anything as they please. Except for a small one who is a bit naughty while growing up ..wants to sleep with us because mother has new ones and she is neglected by her....! Kittens at play are a joy to watch Sue. Why don't I spay them. Too far to take them to anyone reliable and anyhow i am scared of the aftercare. So far we are ok except restricted in our goings and comings. Thank you for asking after them Sue. I think we excaped many murder attempts because we are kind to animals. What you do always comes back to you. Best.
19 Sep, 2011
How true....:))
How about taking a pic or two of the Kitties, as you will probably have seen there are loads of pics of Dogs and cats, and even Birds and Fish on GOY....:)))
19 Sep, 2011
In fact, we have a lot of pictures I put in and deleted too because of what could happen to them....
19 Sep, 2011
19 Sep, 2011
Just found out the meaning of Nandina Sue; it means "my love will grow warmer"....keep it close to you when the cold weather comes...lovely meaning isn't it..
20 Sep, 2011
It is for sure...a lovely description...:)))
21 Sep, 2011
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Looks lovely Sue with the pinky leaves. Settled in well.
10 Sep, 2011