By Muddywalters

18 Sep, 2011
This bird was gorging itself on the Haws, but every time I raised the camera it stopped!
Comments on this photo
Brilliant shot! They're actually quite different to town pigeons, aren't they? Doesn't have a sear? (don't know how to spell that!)
18 Sep, 2011
Brilliant close up they have very acute hearing I find. They are the spies for the other birds, I sit and watch them as they do me and alert the other birds when I ve gone in or starting to go out into the garden.
18 Sep, 2011
I love wood pigeons...I think they are beautiful birds...look at the colour of it's eyes, turquoise blue, matching the down on his neck. They really are the most beautiful colours aren't they?
18 Sep, 2011
I think they've grown on me over the years! :-)
18 Sep, 2011
I have two regulars, very bold and greedy too, but I enjoy watching their antics.
18 Sep, 2011
I have a regular pair too and have been watching them chase their own youngsters away, encouraging independence.
18 Sep, 2011
Chase their own and evryone else in sight here lol
18 Sep, 2011
great pic muddy... we get a lot of these.
18 Sep, 2011
I like these birds too..It's so comical when they are trying to balance on the feeders..some great pics tonight,Muddy..thanks :o))
18 Sep, 2011
Brilliant pics indeed...:>)
18 Sep, 2011
Thank you . . glad I stayed up late now . . lol! :-)
18 Sep, 2011
Glad that I am not the only late night owl on here, Muddy! Your photo of this Wood Pigeon is simply beautiful...Patience rewarded eh?
18 Sep, 2011
I'd not noticed the lack of cere 'til pointed out by Karenfrance. Now I'm wondering if most birds have then or just the parrot family?? Great pic by the way Muddy, I find they are the most likely bird family to bang into windows. One did it a few days ago, but flew to the top of my arch after a few minutes to recover..phew:-)
19 Sep, 2011
I'm (almost?) certain town pigeons have them (ceres! thanks Bornagain!)...but my memory could be playing tricks on me... :))
It's bluetits that I have a problem with, flying into windows...Two this year...
19 Sep, 2011
Thanks Bornagain. I occasionally find the ghostly powdery print of a Woodpigeon on my windows too.
According to Wikipedia, "Hawks, parrots, doves, skuas and budgerigars are among the birds that have ceres"
19 Sep, 2011
Pardon me for being a bit thick..but what is a cere,please?
19 Sep, 2011
It's that bulbous 'waxy' blob on the top of the beak, where it meets the face. Woodpigeons have a pink one and Townies have a white/grey one. I don't have one! ;-))
19 Sep, 2011
Thanks Muddy..you learn something every day..and I'm not going to comment on your last remark !..Lol.
19 Sep, 2011
Has 'Be nice to Muddy Sunday' been extended? . . lol Actually, if I did have one, it would probably resemble a baked bean!
19 Sep, 2011
Yes it has,Muddy..but don't get worried,..it won't last !Lol.
...erm,I've heard of Egghead,and Potato head..even Motor head..but Bean head ????? :o))
19 Sep, 2011
Now look here Muddy...I thought we'd just established that wood pigeons don't have a cere, let alone a pink one, and I can see his nostrils on his beak lol, that's how all this started. I suppose Karen, the 'townies' have them cos they're descended from doves, not wood pigeons. Hello Bloomer\0/ why have we got to be nice to Muddy? Why aren't you helping us out on Pamg's Sunny Sunday Morning Blog? :-))
20 Sep, 2011
I can't tell you how much amusement all your poems have given me...and my daughter who was lolling??? as I showed her them...I've done more than a little lolling myself:-)) I've found that when reading others comments on blogs, I'm reading them as though they too should rhyme. I even found myself reading a very sad on in the same way...let's hope I don't start talking in rhyme too:-))
20 Sep, 2011
\o/ Ba,..probably because I haven't seen it..!.and I have been somewhat involved with some bean loving guy,Pigeons,food and adverts.Lol. I might just have a look,to see if I can be of assistance..or hindrance,in any way :o)
20 Sep, 2011
Sorry Bloomer, haven't read any of your poems - How come??x
Muddy's wood pigeon doesn't have one -pink or otherwise!!
But, was up in town today...Studied the pigeons (town pigeons, that is!)...definitely got ceres!!!
...and often, only one leg!!!
21 Sep, 2011
Reading back to Ba's comment about poems,karen,I think she must have meant someone else,as I am not poetic.Lol.Thanks for the info about the wood pigeon too..:o))
21 Sep, 2011
Ooops put comment on wrong blog...can I remove it? Now you'll all think I'm mad:-)) Should have been on Pamg's Sunny Sunday Morning lol:-)
24 Sep, 2011
Heehee! Don't worry Bornagain, you're not the first person to have done that! lol!! :)))
24 Sep, 2011
A lovely photo, but I'm not going to tick like as we have 17 of them here , so no sitting out under trees, and we have alot of them as well!
15 Feb, 2012
Thanks Rose . . I spent a lot of time in the local woods when I was a kid and I can recall in the Spring and Summer, a constant background of Woodpigeons singing. When I hear one now it takes me right back, but . . . I appreciate that 17 of 'em having a sing-in must be a bit over the top! :-))
15 Feb, 2012
Its not the singing I was referring to Muddy! lol
15 Feb, 2012
OH! . . . right, see what you mean. . lol! ;-))
16 Feb, 2012
Lovely picture muddy...........
20 Feb, 2012
Thanks Tommy.
20 Feb, 2012
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What an amazing photo!!!! Nice one
18 Sep, 2011