Fairy traipsing thru flowers
By Lulu33

18 Sep, 2011
Well..........there's a little bit of pink in it! Not grouted yet.
Comments on this photo
Not long, a few hours...must be improving!! I couldn't grout it yet because her belt buckle glue isn't dry!!
18 Sep, 2011
Awesome Lulu !!!!
18 Sep, 2011
you are good..a few hrs..& here was me thinking she had...had her belly button pierced..lol
18 Sep, 2011
LOL, maybe I should call it 'Fairy with Piercing!!' Pixi will like that one!
18 Sep, 2011
Ha ha :o)
18 Sep, 2011
nice one. She looks like she is saying - you better listen to me or..... lol
18 Sep, 2011
A Fairy with attitude AND a belly button piercing....nice!
18 Sep, 2011
hehe... well - at least your mosaics are saying something:)
18 Sep, 2011
It's lovely - very girlie. My granddaughter would love it - she loves anything pink!
18 Sep, 2011
She is gorgeous Lu. See, pink is ace! How about a ballet shoe on one ?
18 Sep, 2011
I thought about that GM but her wee tootsie got lost in a flower (easier!)
Lets hope there are lots of Grannies at the show in December who want to buy grandaughters something other than Nintendo!!!
18 Sep, 2011
Oooh Yeah love the piercing :))))))))) Looks great!! :)
18 Sep, 2011
Another fabulous one!!
18 Sep, 2011
Ta Lil!
19 Sep, 2011
Lu I meant a whole mosaic of a ballet shoe!! Is that poss. very saleable to grannies, Lol. !!! Also how about a mouse dressed in ballet gear?? with a tutu poking out.
19 Sep, 2011
19 Sep, 2011
OOh er, that's all getting a tad technical!!
I can see myself spending hours cutting up small bits of glass!!!
Am trying a couple of deer at the mo, really I need a scanner and printer to get a good idea of size!!
19 Sep, 2011
Sounds great! You sure work hard! :)
19 Sep, 2011
Hi Lulu loving the fairy and you get to use your pink up:)
19 Sep, 2011
Still gotta whole tray load of pink!!
19 Sep, 2011
oh yes very nicely done..excellent
19 Sep, 2011
How about flamingo's? They are pink aren't they?? Get to use some more wouldn't fancy doing their spindly legs though lol!
19 Sep, 2011
Good idea Nana and thanks Skips.
now I have learnt how to cut thin stips of glass it's revolutionised my mosaics. You should see my new stag in a forest, may finish it tomorrow. It's going to be pouring with rain so I will be holed up in the studio!
19 Sep, 2011
Marshmallows are pink too! Only joking Lu. lol
19 Sep, 2011
Lots and lots of pink squares!!!
20 Sep, 2011
I know, candy floss!
20 Sep, 2011
Lot's of pink blobs!
May be all I'm good for today as cutting so much glass, not being used to the pressure on my finger has made it stiff and a bit swollen!! Bummer, want to make another as is *eeing down here!
21 Sep, 2011
Same here :(
21 Sep, 2011
Here too! Yukky.Going shopping instead!
21 Sep, 2011
I dont want to go out! its blowing gales here now ..again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
21 Sep, 2011
Pixi, we have two shopping centres under cover here, so a very pleasant place to be and a nice coffee out!!
21 Sep, 2011
Sunny and cloudy here. Am trying to take pics of all the new mosaics for the website!!
Just finished the stag in a forest and very, very pleased, even with a sore index finger joint from all the glass cutting! Karen calls it 'polyfilla finger' LOL ouch!
21 Sep, 2011
Lu could you wear gloves when working, like gardening ones with leather finger tips?? Might help!
21 Sep, 2011
yeah we have a shopping centre too..but you still hvae to get there lol..and anyway I think the last time I was in it must be about 2 yrs ago! Hate shopping! lol
Cant wait to see it LULu :)
21 Sep, 2011
That made me laugh Pixi, you only have to get into the car from the front door, lol, do you drive? Lulu have thought of more pink things...... balloons either party or hot air ones! Maybe a heart, in pink of course or a piggy, I love gloucester spot ones!
21 Sep, 2011
Piggy would be good! Quite a challenge!
The finger joint is sore from pressing down on the diamond cutter, not sure if gloves would make a difference!
21 Sep, 2011
See what you mean, poor you!
21 Sep, 2011
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Brilliant Lou, how long did this take you to make ?
18 Sep, 2011