Cottage in the evening light
By Lulu33

18 Sep, 2011
Comments on this photo
Thanks Paul, it was an amazing sunset this eve. Just finished off in the studio as the sun went down.
18 Sep, 2011
just reminds me off holiday - always stay in lovely cottages
18 Sep, 2011
oh, lucky you:) lovely place to live in:)
18 Sep, 2011
It is Kasy, it comes with hubby's job!
18 Sep, 2011
Lovely photo
18 Sep, 2011
18 Sep, 2011
Thats an amazing it! :)
18 Sep, 2011
Looks heavenly!
18 Sep, 2011
Really nice light there
18 Sep, 2011
Its more or less the view from the studio.....nice!
19 Sep, 2011
How lovely! :)
19 Sep, 2011
Lulu, this photo was made at the moment of your landing with the UFO?
28 Sep, 2011
lol, yep has to be ; )
28 Sep, 2011
But those damn aliens are awful workers, can't mow for a toffee! And Sluggy really doesn't like them!
29 Sep, 2011
Who is Sluggy? Your hubby?
29 Sep, 2011
LoL, Sluggy is a dog!!!
29 Sep, 2011
29 Sep, 2011
Still may have to be a bit more specific Lulu :)
29 Sep, 2011
29 Sep, 2011
Sluggy Pup, 4 legs, waggy tail, black and white and very naughty indeed! Goes 'woof!'
30 Sep, 2011
30 Sep, 2011
Sounds like manager to me.
30 Sep, 2011
...just please, explaine to me, as English is not my native language, what does it mean waggy? I did not find it in dictionary.
30 Sep, 2011
..and be more specific. Please.
30 Sep, 2011
A dog moving its tail back and forth in a very happy motion when it gets fed or out running in fields etc
30 Sep, 2011
I understand now. Thank you....What was the topic? Lol.
1 Oct, 2011
Hahah! Cottage in the evening light that someone thought was an alien invasion! Something to do with the cloud formation I think!!
1 Oct, 2011
And the house is in shade from the spaceship, just before the abduction
1 Oct, 2011
and SLuggy got so excited that she moved her tail back and forth so quickly then she peed herself making the aliens curious...
1 Oct, 2011
Yep, the whole cottage is now just an image beamed from outta space!
Poor Katarina, she is going to think we are bonkers!
1 Oct, 2011
hahaha aw
1 Oct, 2011
lol. I know how Katarina feels - I have a dictionary that's 20 years old - it's so annoying when you look up the word and it's not there... :(
I have to admit - I just love your sense of humour guys. Similar to that in my home country:)
1 Oct, 2011
That's lucky Kasy! Yes, up to date dictionaries are very important!!
1 Oct, 2011
Well I dont think Katarina is too far off our bonkerishnessness (thats not officially a word Kat)
2 Oct, 2011
Oh don't tell her, it spoils the fun. We could also publish a GoY dictionary!
Can you imagin if you, me an Sticki lived closer, we would brainstorm ideas, in your polytunnel with bottles of booze and an outside fire!!
2 Oct, 2011
well Lulu - I wouldn't mind a Welsh English = London English dictionary, lol. So many words were so confusing at the begining. For example why do you eat 'tea' instead of drinking it, lol. Friend coming over for 'tea' and having cup of tea served instead, lol...
2 Oct, 2011
I think Stevie exactly hit the nail on the head. Considering the space shuttle, I mean. Considering my bonkerishnessness (sounds like Loch Ness), I must accept, that I was born like that.
2 Oct, 2011
Otherwise, girls, how many languages do you speak? I speak Russian and Polish and a little bit Italian. But to be honest, the hardest language is inner language of pharmaceutical companies. Horrible. It is like this "GM wrote to CP that MCO SM must urgently prepare DR from EMA." Exhausting.
2 Oct, 2011
Erm, I'm English and am sorry to say that apart from the odd sentance in Danish, speak no other language. I would like to understand and speak Aramaec, (sorry spelling wrong but it's late!) latin, Hebrew and scandanavian. Then I have the whole kaboot in my hands! Now there's a word Katarina! Bet it's not in your dicionary. Might have to look it up myself to give proper explanation!
2 Oct, 2011
Aramaic was language in biblical times and has had many divergent varieties, nowadays it is language only in some churches in East. Why that? Because it was language of Jesus?
Otherwise, if you really want to learn languages, it is simple.
2 Oct, 2011
thats why I would like to learn Aramaic, to study religeon in greater depth and to link it to ancient egyptian and mesopotamian times! All those languages would help me to study. But studying languages is beyond me now...too busy gardening and making mosaics and walking the dogs!
2 Oct, 2011
I once knew the danish for 'I'd like some porridge please' but all I can remember now is a word like 'Ulabrol'!! anyone?
I know a bit of Japanese but when i needed it I didn't know how to say things like 'Sorry to bother you but I seem to have set my pajamas on fire'
Anyway I guess Latin would be useful for plant names but to be honest those are only really common names...but in latin, so I prefer english common names. I also prefer imperial measurments so if you're listening RHS...up yours.
3 Oct, 2011
lol idk..i only speak a little french.
i prefer IM too Stevie lol ;)
3 Oct, 2011
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That is so beauitful - great pic
18 Sep, 2011